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The typhoon, locally code-named "Anding,
packed 205 kph [127 mph] winds
along the eastern coasts of the country. Thanks to the prayers of God's
people, the typhoon traveled at a rather high altitude thereby causing less
havoc than it would have otherwise.
A record 34 baptisms were reported in November, bringing the total baptisms
for the year to 98. The overall membership count is now 2,222.
Financially, November ended with
32% increase over the same month last
year. The January through November 1981 income is now 24% higher than a
similar period last year.
News From The Netherlands For the first time in 15 years, on November l the
Dutch-speaking brethren listened to Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong on The WORLD
TOMORROW broadcast over Radio Luxembourg. For many this was the first time
ever. Radio Luxembourg covers Belgium and Holland, although at times the
signal is somewhat hard to get. An announcement promoting the broadcast
will form part of the semi-annual letter to the Dutch language PLAIN TRUTH
subscribers in January, 1982.
We have recently received confirmation that the entire back cover of the
magazin� DE KAMPIOEN is available to us for the promotion of DE ECHTE
WAARHEID [ Dutch PT] in February, 1982.
DE KAMPIOEN is a full-colour
monthly publication of the Netherlands Automobile Association with a circu­
lation of 2,200,000. After they took notice of our flyer in DE TELEGRAAF,
Holland's largest daily paper, they offered us space in their magazine. We
negotiated for the back cover and God opened the door.
November showed a year-to-date increase of 21.01% in income.
attendance increased 11% compared to one year ago. Incoming pieces of mail
came to a total of 2,601--a 47.7% increase compared to November, 1980.
Bermuda On Wednesday, December 23rd, one of the TV stations in Bermuda,
ZFB, interviewed Mr. Roland Sampson who is pastor of the Hamilton Church.
The interview, conducted in Mr. Sampson's office, was on why the Church
does not observe Christmas. Parts of the 15-minute interview were played
the same day on the evening news broadcast.
Thirty minutes later, Mr.
Armstrong's WORLD TOMORROW television program was aired in its normal slot,
and Mr. Armstrong covered the plain truth about Christmas. The timing was
perfect, and the program brought a heavy response!
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Ministers of Other Churches Use Our Literature
Occasionally we receive letters from ministers of other churches who tell
us how our publications are helping them. Some of our books and booklets
have aided ministers in their personal study and been used as source mate­
rial for sermons. Our magazines and literature have also been used in coun­
seling teenagers with drug problems and their parents.
Our publications are used by Bible class teachers and even placed in a
church library for the congregation to read. Finally, one minister goes so
far as to urge his church to listen to our program!