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Example at Sporting Events (Continued from Page 2)
Christians first and ball players second. We must also set a right example
in HOW we lose!
Your example can be a powerful teaching tool. As the children and brethren
witness your respect for authority and your right sportsmanship, they will
want to emulate your example.
So let's exhibit balanced enthusiasm and sportsmanship coupled with a
wholesome, serving attitude which makes any event--win or lose--an upbuild­
ing and memorable occasion!
Low Income Energy Assistance Program
Recently we were made aware of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program
available to individuals in the United States. As its name suggests its
purpose is to help low income families cope with high energy bills, espe­
cially those associated with winter heating costs. The program is feder­
ally funded, but administered differently by each state. Therefore, we
can't give you the particulars on who is eligible and how to apply, but this
should be easily obtainable by a telephone call to your state's human ser­
vices or welfare agency.
Please check to see if those who might be eligible (especially those who are
receiving regular third tithe help) are receiving this assistance. If they
aren't please help them to apply.
In California all S.S.!. and A.F.D.C. families are supposed to automa­
tically be receiving this help; however, it would still be good to check to
see if they are being helped. Members in California seeking information
about and wishing to apply for, the low income energy assistance can call
toll free (800) 952-8311. The deadline for applying is in mid-January, so
prompt action is needed.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
I am sure you ministers in the field would like to know how well Ambassador
College has fulfilled the goals set by Mr. Herbert w.
Armstrong, the
founder and Chancellor of Ambassador College.
What are the goals set for Ambassador College as clearly stated in the
current Ambassador College catalog?
The purpose of Ambassador College is two-fold: 1) to provide an
institution of higher learning for the education of acceptable
students and a God-called ministry for the Worldwide Church of
God according to the highest spiritual, intellectual and cultural
standards for the preaching and publishing of the very Gospel
Jesus taught as a witness to all nations; and 2) to provide pas­
tors for the local congregations of the Worldwide Church of God.