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United States in the secular, political government. It has been found that
an Executive Vice President, wielding AUTHORITY, simply would not work.
While the United States does have a Vice President, he wields no authority.
But the President does, of necessity, need to have staff aides, secretaries
and assistants to'coordinate between him and, for example, the Secretary of
State, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Treasury, etc., etc. But
they do not have authority in any measure over the major department heads.
When I established the office of Exe�utive Vice President, the office
did wield authority over every department under me, and that office simply
did not lend itself to a smooth and orderly teamwork UNDER CHRIST. The
fault is more the office than the man in it.
I have therefore abolished the office of EXECUTIVE Assistant, and
transferred Mr. Fahey to an important post in our largest and fastest
growing area, New York City.
For some time Mr. Aaron Dean has been my personal aide and steward on
the jet plane. I am asking him to serve also now as my personal aide and
coordinator between myself and our department heads, and may find it
necessary to add other assistant personnel to this staff.
Setting the Right Example at Sporting Events
As basketball season gets under way again in most areas, we as God's
ministers need to be aware of our example at sports events.
In the past, some in God's ministry have exhibited unsportsmanlike conduct
at our own sporting events. Right in the presence of the members and of the
Church youth, some have lost their temper during a game, yelled at a
referee, shouted at players, or vociferously questioned referees' calls.
These same attitude and self-control problems have also occurred at Church
softball games and other sports activities. Of course it is easy to reason,
"I like to play intensely," or "I like to put my whole heart into whatever I
do." But these are merely excuses.
Mr. Armstrong, through God's word, has always taught us to put our whole
hearts into whatever we do. He has shown us that we should try to win.
However, we can never be so involved as to yield to a wrong spirit of
competition. Mr. Armstrong has also taught us from God's Word that we are
(Continued on Page 4)