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the 76% increase in first class) will impact our mailing costs greatly. Al­
though the Post Office will offer us certain reductions because of volume
and some presorting we can do, it will still cost us 59.4% more to mail Mr.
Armstrong's semi-annual letter in 1982 than this current year.
At the present time Mr. Colin Adair, Canadian regional director, is making
application to the Post Office to register for second class mail--our third
Following Christ's admonition we keep trying, so hopefully we can
wear them down.
There are many hurdles in the way, but then miracles do
Australia Reports The WORLD TOMORROW on television and radio together with
our newsstand program continue as the main thrusts in presenting the Gospel
to the people of Australia. A recent analysis showed that 65% of the nation
is able to tune into Mr. Armstrong on television, and 13% of the population
--mainly in the rural areas--can hear The WORLD TOMORROW on radio.
finances permit we are continuing to examine ways to increase our T.V. and
radio coverage throughout Australia.
At the present newsstand distribution level, it is estimated that one
person in every hundred has opportunity to pick up a copy of The PLAIN TRUTH
from on� of the outlets.
Since its inception ten months ago, the newsstand
program has yielded over 11,250 new subscribers.
A significant breakthrough in preaching the Gospel has been made in the
Melbourne area.
So far we have not been able to secure time on any of the
T.V. or radio stations operating in that city, but God has opened another
Mr. Armstrong recently gave his approval to run The WORLD TOMORROW
telecast on a giant video screen in Melbourne Square.
Melbourne's commercial and business activities revolve around the square
and the video equipment is modern and very effective. At any given time, as
many as 2,000 people are normally within viewing range and the audio repro­
duction is excellent.
Speakers around the square allow anyone interested
to either listen or to move out of range if they wish. The screen normally
carries T.V. programs and is very popular.
We have secured time on this giant video screen three days a week--Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays--at 12:30 p.m. This is the lunch hour for many em­
ployees and the square at that time is crowded with people enjoying the noon
People in Melbourne Square will see the first WORLD TOMORROW
program on this giant video screen on Monday, December 28.
A recent letter from the manager of radio station 2LT, Lithgow, New South
Wales, is an example of the impact Mr. Armstrong's program is having on the
This station approached us completely unsolicited and offered to
air The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast at prime time at a good price seven nights
a week!
They had heard Mr. Armstrong on another station and now want the
Radio 2LT covers the Blue Mountains, Lithgow, Wallerawang, Portland, Oberon
and Bathurst with a potential listening audience of 75,000 people.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
Had a new attendance record set this
month for average weekly attendance.
Also Bible study attendance is