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below the surface, but one thing is strikingly different now:
The serving attitude within all ranks at Ambassador College. Not
just giving a day's work for""a day's pay--like the unprofitable
servant (or less)--but far over and above and to anybody!
3. Loyalty. It was also most encouraging to see the loyalty with
which Mr. Tkach and everyone on the team teaching us were backing
you up and following your example as you are following Christ. I
hope (and strive for) that we again will be following that exam­
ple so that the unity, the serving attitude and the loyalty will
be more and more apparent in the congregations all over the
So THANK YOU for the three most stimulating weeks in our lives!
Christian and Ingeberg Zernichow
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
CLARKSBURG, wv--DAVID M. JOHNSON: Enthusiasm as a result of the Feast
seems nearly universal. We have heard many fine comments from nearly
everyone and very few, if any, complaints. People seem quite genuine­
ly enthused about the growth the Church is making and eager to work on
their own personal problems.
WASHINGTON, D.C.--RICHARD J. FRANKEL: Brethren inspired to do better
and seek the Kingdom of God more earnestly as a result of the Feast of
Everyone here came back from the Feast
renewed spiritually and ready to get on with the Work. All reports
about the Feast have been very positive. The Church is growing in
unity and love.
Everyone is up.
There seems to be more excitement and joy and involvement in the Work
of God than EVER before. And it is exciting to me to see it.
HAZARD, KY--WARREN J. HEATON III: People are becoming more and more
responsive. More willing to sacrifice and more anxious about return
of Christ. People are understanding the new truth about the tree of
life and tree of the knowledge of good and evil. I also much appre­
ciate the comments Mr. Armstrong made regarding the 144,000 and on
baptism. Christ is really working here on earth!
BOISE, ID--JEFF McGOWAN: Commitment in the Church to the Work of the
Church and fulfilling spiritual responsibilities is greater since Mr.
Armstrong has established greater doctrinal stability as God has in­
spired him to do.
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK--ARNOLD CLAUSON: The direction of the brethren here
is definitely upbeat. There is very positive response to the direc­
tion of Mr. Armstrong and the entire HQ team.
On the brethren' s
behalf, I'd like to thank you all for the excellent job you are doing
in guiding the most important Work on Earth! We appreciate you!