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Telecast Viewed by Chance
Never will I forget that day, back in 1955, when I requested my wife to
find a Buck Rogers-type of TV show and she read in the log where it
said "World Tomorrow." It sounded just like what I wanted but did
ever have a surprise. Not unpleasant though. Actually, before you
were finished interviewing Ambassador Bullit, who had been the United
States Ambassador to Russia, I was convinced that at long last God had
answered my prayer. I had been asking God to direct me to His true
W.B. (Wichita, KS)
Coupon for Correspondence course Found on Street
I was glad when I received the Ambassador College Correspondence
Course. I thought you would not respond to my request because I had
only found the request coupon on the street. I'm enjoying reading the
lessons. This is only a start. Little by little the course is helping
me to understand what really is the content of the Holy Bible and how
it relates to us human beings.
D.Q. (Bayawan, The Philippines)
PLA1N TRUTH Arrived by Mistake
A copy of The PLAIN TRUTH came to our address by mistake and I would
like more issues. Good name for the publication!
A.H. (Regina, Canada)
PT on a Seat at Airport
I have just finished reading a copy of The PLAIN TRUTH which I found on
a seat at the airport and could not put down. More and more people
seem to be searching for the truth, and it is wonderful to have found a
magazine such as The PLAIN TRUTH.
I will pass my copy on to my
S.L. (Toorbul, Australia)
PT in Crew Mess Hall
Being a sailor, I thrive on reading material. I had noticed The PLAIN
TRUTH lying in the crew mess one day last week and since then have read
every article twice. I am amazed at the quality and research of your
articles and their relationship to God. Please send me a monthly copy
of The PLAIN TRUTH to my home address.
T.S. (Georgetown, Canada)
Introduced to PT by Teacher
I'd like to subscribe to your magazine because I find it very interĀ­
esting. My theme writing teacher told me about the magazine because
he subscribes to it. He also gave me the coupon to send you.
L.S.--17 years (Pawtucket, RI)
Friend Introduces PT to Priest
I am a parish priest of the Philippine Independent (Catholic) Church
here in Tibiao. Being a new graduate of saint Andrew's Theological