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The sermons covered a wide range of helpful topics, pointing the brethren
to the reality of the World Tomorrow. The informative and strengthening
messages given by Mr. Richard Ames, guest speaker from Pasadena, were most
appreciated. Mr. Robert Morton, Australian and Asian Regional Director,
traveled extensively throughout the Feast, speaking at all but one of the
Australian festival sites.
Final registration figures for the Feast were 5,260 for Australia and 467
for Asia.
Printing The PLAIN TRUTH in Sydney these past several
months has resulted in a marked improvement in delivery time to our sub­
scribers in Australia. Instead of waiting two to three months for the maga­
zine to reach them from Singapore, the current issue is now in their hands
the first or second week of the month.
Also, we have noted that the mail returns are now reaching us within a short
time of the magazine being posted, and we are able to update the file im­
mediately and save hundreds of dollars in printing and postage costs each
month by preventing future issues being mailed to these inactive addresses.
Our ongoing renewal program is maintaining a list of interested PLAIN TRUTH
readers and we are currently mailing the magazine to 70,000 subscribers in
Australia and 34,000 in Asia.
Mail and Income: A total of 15,619 letters were received in October and
income for the month rose by an excellent 42.4%. Holy Day offerings for
1981 increased by 30.7%, and our year-to-date combined first tithe and of­
fering income figure now stands at a 23.6% increase.
Asian Tour Planned: Mr. Bill Sidney, our Financial Services Manager and
local elder in God's Church, is leaving next month on a visiting/baptizing
tour through Indonesia. He will be accompanied by a third-year student
from Ambassador College, Mr. Tim Grauel. Mr. Grauel is spending one year in
Australia gaining experience working with the field ministry, and this
Asian tour will add immeasurably to his experience.
Mr. Sidney and Mr. Grauel will be traveling into some of the more remote
areas of Indonesia visiting with a number of people who have been in regular
contact with the office here, and who are now interested in meeting with a
minister of the Church.
There are currently 1,300 PLAIN TRUTH subscribers in Indonesia, and 181 of
these are studying the Correspondence Course lessons.
The Tragic Conditions in El Salvador We want to share with you a letter in
its entirety written by our minister in El Salvador to Spanish-area
Regional Director, Mr. Leon Walker. It details the tragic situation being
experienced by our 41 members and one elder in that country:
Brotherly greetings from El Salvador and many thanks for your constant
prayers to our God on behalf of the members in this country.
The situation in El Salvador is one of constant tension and anguish,
owing to the mindless attitudes of the battling groups. In recent
months they have committed the most incredibly barbarous and savage