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Speech Club Policy Reminder
From time to time various questions come up concerning speech clubs. Such
questions range from "May unconverted husbands attend Spokesman Club?" to
"Would it be permissible to start a family club, a co-ed club, or a new
format for club?"
The Ambassador/Spokesman Soeech Manual is the only speech club manual Mr.
Armstrong has approved for local church use. The policies outlined in that
manual, as well as in the Spokesman Club Director's Manual, are the
policies that each pastor and club director should follow. No exceptions
should be implemented without prior approval from Pasadena.
Some policies that seem to receive the most flagrant abuse are: (1) Who can
be a member, (2) Club format, and (3) Club name.
Let's see to it that we are in harmony in every way, including this most
important tool of Spokesman Club.
As an additional note, the revised Leadership Training Class material
should be available soon as well.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
KINGSPORT, TN--GEORGE ELKINS: The continued growth in the Work of God
both around the world, in the United States, and in this Church area
continues to inspire and encourage the brethren here in Kingsport. It
proves once again whom it is that God and Jesus Christ have chosen to
direct their Work through: Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong.
UNION, NJ--JAMES JENKINS: Church attendance growing but more impor­
tantly members are making a turnaround as a whole. As Mr. Armstrong
continues the pace, the Church is responding.
The strongest trend in the area is
that people are virtually unanimous in their praise and appreciation
for the PT, GN, WN, and all of the direction coming out of Pasadena.
They really show a lot of support for Mr. Armstrong and the direction
he has given to the Church.
JACKSONVILLE, FL--ALLEN BULLOCK: Members have expressed appreciation
for Mr. Armstrong's tapes. They show such balance and wisdom. He has
certainly been a father to us all in the truth. We love him and appre­
ciate him very much.
WILMINGTON, DE--ARNOLD HAMPTON: Members are realizing the seriousness
of their calling and the times in which we live much more than a year
Consequently, Bible study attendance is up to nearly half of
regular Church attendance.
KENT, WA--J. RICHARD PARKER: The Kent Church is growing. This month
showed a new high in average weekly Church attendance. We also have
had seven baptisms in the last month. Thank those concerned for mak­
ing the T.V. broadcasts available on two local T.V. stations. It is
great to see Mr. Armstrong, and the members are very encouraged to
finally have local media.