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Dear Mr. Armstrong:
The 15th refresher program was truly an inspiration. How grateful we
were to be taught by you and those ministers loyally supporting you.
We appreciated meeting our brothers and sisters from nine countries
and to be present for the moving ordination of the first local elder in
We thank God for the strength, patience to endure, and the faith He has
given you over the years. Thank you for your dedication and love.
Lelon and Virginia Jackson
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Having gotten back home from refresher course session #15 just before
the Feast, I decided to wait until after the Feast to drop you a line.
After all, the Feast was just a more intense sort of refresher course!
Anyway, Hazel and I want to let you and everyone else on the refresher
course staff know that the input of everyone was really appreciated
then, and now, back in the field. we thought that we really saw and
felt a new kind of unity, friendliness, wisdom, balance and examples
of service that really proved that God's Church is back on track. We
really felt it and mean it in these few words. When I got back to
Union, I told the brethren that no one ever told us we had to write in
a dutiful letter of thanks, but we really wanted to do so to let you
know how we feel and how, as far as we could tell, everyone else on No.
15 felt.
Thanks again, and hope to see all again soon on the same track! And
last but not least, deepest appreciation to the Boss, Mr. Herbert W.
Armstrong, for all that he• s done to help us be called in this
Philadelphia Era.
Gordon and Hazel Harry
Mr. Joe Tkach:
Tina and I would like to thank you and all of the team at HQ who put
together the very profitable, rewarding, and fine refresher course
package that we enjoyed. It was good to get back to Pasadena and be
reminded once again just what we are Ambassadors of. Tina and I left
inspired and more dedicated to doing our part in the Commission that
God has given to Mr. Armstrong. We will probably never know how much
time and effort was involved, and all the individuals who were in­
volved, that made our stay so successful. Please let them know for us
how much we appreciated what they did. And please thank Mr. Armstrong
for us for his care and concern for all of us.
Ozzie and Tina Engelbart
Dear Mr. Tkach:
It has been several weeks now since the 15th and last session of the
refresher program. The fond memories of it still linger. I think I
understand better how "the last shall be first." I'm sure we must have
gotten the best of all the programs that had gone before us. The