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Members have telephoned over 400,000 libraries and waiting rooms (adding
100,000 of these to the subscription file) and have distributed almost
1,000,000 card-holder cards (adding 31,000 new subscriptions).
Mr. Armstrong is pleased with all circulation programs now in progress.
Please relay our thanks to all the brethren in your congregations involved
in these programs. Many new developments are in store for 1982. Hold on to
your hats--it looks like a tremendous new year aheadl
Newsstand Program Inspires Involvement in Work
Mr. Steven Botha, Pastor of the Charleston, Parkersburg and Huntington,
West Virginia Church areas recently sent the following memo to Mr. Joseph
Tkach of Ministerial Services:
warmest greetings from West Virginia! Thought you might be interested
in something I have noticed in the new Church in Huntington, west
Over the years I have had the privilege of starting several new
Churches. Most seem to take some time to develop their own "identity"
as a Church congregation. The Huntington Church, in contrast, has
developed an identity very quickly. There seems to be a tremendous
sense of camaraderie and friendship, even though the people came from
three previous Church areas.
I began wondering why this is and concluded that one factor was The
PLAIN TRUTH newsstand program.
We have had tremendous success! For example, we added six outlets in
just one week. Everybody seems to be involved and there really seems
to be a feeling of helping to do the Work in supporting Mr. Armstrong.
Letters From Readers Who Saw Newsstand PT
I would be utterly grateful if you would send me all the helpful liter­
ature such as the Ambassador College Correspondence Course and Kingdom
of God booklet, etc. to my new address which
am enclosing.
I ran across The PLAIN TRUTH sample in an airport and found it so full
of the truth I couldn't believe it, and since then became a subscrib­
er. I welcome each issue with open heart and can hardly put it down.
I have been rece1v1ng The PLAIN TRUTH for over a year now. I also
frequently request other literature from you. In all this time you
have never once failed to send me what I requested.
When I first requested your magazine, I expected to get a letter every
month begging for money, as so many of the evangelists send these
days. But I have been pleasantly surprised that you have never once
asked for money.