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I am not writing just because almost everybody else who has been
through the course has written. I know that there is almost nothing
else I could add after all those letters of praise, appreciation and
gratitude. Nevertheless, my wife and I would simply like to bare some
of our feelings and thoughts to you.
we honestly feel that God has directly inspired you to institute the
MRP. Unlike the ministerial conferences of the recent past where so
many hundreds of ministers gather for a few days, here we have a much
smaller group spending more time together helping them get to know
each other better in very fruitful, edifying and unifying sessions
handled by men loyal to you and faithful to Christ.
It has been my dream in my youth to be able to go through Ambassador
College. This opportunity, in a way, was a realization of that dream!
Leaving our three little children, ages six, three and six months,
halfway around the world was never easy--especially so since our
second child and first son had been very grievously ill for over six
months then. But we told God that we are willing to do anything He
asks us to do.
However, God decided to take our dear son while we were away. We were
just deeply grateful that His hand was with us in all this. We asked
Him to stabilize our sick son's condition before we were to leave for
the course to give us that much needed peace of mind to concentrate on
the course. He mercifully did. He took our son when the course was
through and we were about ready to go home. Although we did not see
our son alive anymore, we arrived in time to bury him.
The experience we had at Pasadena headquarters, at the college, at the
refresher program, and the concern of fellow ministers and their
wives; and on top of all those, God's people, did a lot to help us
weather this great trauma and crisis in our life and forge ahead with
even greater zeal and dedication--helping you get God's people ready
for the coming of our King!
Bien and Zeny Macaraeg
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Irene and I would like to express our heartfelt thanks for the
privilege of attending the refresher program. We appreciate the work
and dedication of everyone who made it the success that it was.
we returned to French Montreal filled with enthusiasm and zeal, and
much better equipped to do our job. To see the respectful attitude of
the students and the unity and dedication of everyone was inspiring to
say the least.
Please extend our thanks and salutations to Mr. Armstrong and be sure
to tell him we are 100% behind him and more appreciative than ever for
our calling and our part in God's great Work.
Charles and Irene Mayer