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2. Does the individual have a job lined up in the new area? If
presently unemployed, has he realistically considered the job
market in the new area?
3. Has the individual fully considered family and social factors?
Experience has shown us that many individuals who move to
unfamiliar areas far away from relatives and friends end up
returning to their former areas.
4. Does the individual have the financial resources to make the move?
Is the individual planning to receive finaneial help from the
Church when he gets where he is going? If so, is this a proper
expectation? Cost factors such as transportation of family and
household goods, temporary living expenses while finding a place
to live and until the first paycheck, first and last month's rent
and deposits for housing and utilities, the cost of living in the
new area, etc. should be considered.
In the end the decision about whether to move or not rests with the individ­
ual, but the ministry needs to provide wise counsel so as to spare members
and the Church from unnecessary problems.
International News
While awaiting Feast reports from around the world, here are summaries of
pre-Feast activities from several areas:
Canada A new postal rate, little known or noticed by most Canadians, was
introduced by the government which may force the Work to change where we
print The PLAIN TRUTH. The government is raising by 100% the cost of post­
age on all magazines printed outside the country but mailed within the
country. At the present time we print The PLAIN TRUTH in Glasgow, Kentucky,
U.S.A., then ship it to Toronto, Ontario and Vancouver, British Columbia
where it is inserted into the Canadian postal system. This allows us the
benefit of lower printing costs while maintaining an early delivery of the
magazine to the subscribers. By raising postage 100% they are trying to
close this "loophole" and force businesses to print within Canada. As an
extra incentive, they are limiting to 18% the increase in postage for maga­
zines printed and mailed in Canada. A cost analysis study is already in
progress to determine which is the most economical way for the Work.
The WATS line responses are continuing to increase, with a high of 95 calls
recorded three Sundays ago. We're sure this will be an ongoing trend since
the government has dropped its "bombshell" and announced a rate increase of
76% on all first class mail.
Germany In September regular mail was up 30% and media response showed a
129% increase over September 1980, as a result of 80,000 flyers placed in
the Austrian daily newspaper DIE PRESSE. This was the first of three publi­
cations which are distributing our flyers in Austria.
On October 29th,
70,000 flyers appeared in the magazine PROFILE. On November 11th, 72,000
flyers will appear in the magazine TREND.
New Zealand and Pacific Islands Circulation of The PLAIN TRUTH magazine in
New Zealand and the Pacific Islands is reaching unprecedented heights,
thanks to three very successful recent programs.