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about what they think, and be concerned about what GOD thinks! I had to be
weaned from former ways, thoughts, beliefs, and people of the world. The
woman who dreads giving up make-up must give up former ways.
Now, finally, let's again LOOK at these specific Scriptures that some
use to JUSTIFY vanity and worldliness--though they may deny any vanity or
Isaiah 3:16: In 1955 I used an error in the Adam Clarke Commentary
which implied painting the eyes. It was when my son came to me with evi­
dence that the commentary was in error about eye paint that I wrote the
short note that appeared over my signature in the October 1974 BULLETIN
which was used to change the entire Church teaching on make-up. I did not
then examine the other three passages used following my signature, nor did
I KNOW even that those things were printed, or that orders went out to all
ministers compelling them to read every word before their congregation AS
IF it had my approval. Actually it DID NOT have my approval, or even my
knowledge. It was an attempt to put this liberal approach over on the
Church BEHIND MY BACK and without my knowledge.
But look now at the entire context in which Isaiah 3:16 appears:
Chapter 3 is talking about these LAST DAYS of this age. The DAY OF THE
LORD is. approaching (verse 12 of chapter 2). Then, beginning with verse 12
of chapter 3, "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women
rule over them"--certainly true TODAY.
Verse 16, "Because the daughters of Zion (meaning our people Israel or
the Church today) are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks, and
wanton eyes (glancing wantonly with their eyes--RSV)••••" In other words
flirting and enticing men--which things do ACCOMPANY face paint.
general theme continues into chapter 4, where we read in verse 4, "When the
Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion•..•" So even
if verse 16 of chapter 3 does not speak specifically of make-up, it DOES
speak of the things associated with it and that accompany it. It does show
graphically the attitude and spirit Satan will have injected into our women
of TODAY. Primarily IN THE WORLD of Israel as it is today, but also as it
has infiltrated into too many of our dear women in God's Churchl
Lord" (II Cor. 6:17) for "ye are the temple of the living God" (verse 16).
Ezekiel 23:40: I quote from what Mr. Cole (now disfellowshipped from
the Church) appended after my signature to APPEAR to give it my approval:
"'And also you sent for men to come from abroad; a messenger was sent
to them and indeed they came. For them you bathed"yourself, made� your
eyes and adorned yourself with jewelry. You sat upon a stately couch with a
prepared table before it..•. ' This is in the context of the adulteries of
Israel and Judah as the spiritual brides of God.
Their schemes for
attracting lovers are being described.R
Now that certainly DOES NOT set a GOOD EXAMPLE for the women of God's
Church today! Yet this effort to introduce LIBERALISM and COMPROMISE WITH