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Schmidt, but admittedly as agent of the SPD's activist left wing.
Nevertheless, as Germany's confidence in the U.S. decreases, Bahr's
"radical" approach may become the standard German policy in the future.
Here is what the noted syndicated columnists Evans and Novak have to
say about this development:
Here is the specter of what has always made the Western alliance
tremble: a menacing new version of the 1920 Rapallo Soviet-German
treaty. Another Rapallo is certainly no possibility in the near
future. Indeed, it is unthinkable in Helmut Schmidt's Germany.
Nevertheless, what is clearly at issue in the Brezhnev-Bahr
talks is chilling, even though no immediate threat: West
Germany leaving NATO with Sovie� guarantees against aggression
and with the ultimate prospect of German reunification. Bahr, a
fanatical German nationalist, leads SPD's far-left faction which
believes the key to Germany's future reunification is held in
Moscow, �ot Washington.
Thus, events in Asi3 -- the signing of the Sino-Japanese pact,
and Chairman Hua's bold anti-Soviet trip and the chills these are
producing in Moscow -- have their direct bearing on extremely important
future political realignments in Europe. And perhaps these realign­
ments could mature even quicker than the analysts believe.
--Gene H. Hogberg News Bureau
by Stanley R. Rader
(Editor's Note: After Mr. Armstrong's TV taping session in Tucson last
Sabbath, M�ader gave some insight into the way Mr. Armstrong has
used biblical principles in doing business with the world for the
benefit of all parties concerned. Following are excerpts of his talk
for your interest.)
Greetings, everyone.... This is the cover of Mr. Armstrong's book
/holding it ueZ The Incredible Human Potential, which will be pub­
lished and which will be offered for the first time at the Feast of
Tabernacles in October.
It will then be marketed in the United States
and abroad through bookstores and will be published by our own pub­
lishing house -- Everest House. Mr. Armstrong feels, I'm sure, as
we all do, that this is the most important book that has been pub­
lished since the Bible. It certainly
the most important book
that has been published in the Twentieth Century.
We intend to back up its publication with a good advertising campaign
on radio and television and in various magazines. And so we will
be able to bring this very important message to the public in printed
form as well as by means of Mr. Armstrong's television programs.•..
When I first met Mr. Armstrong, he made something very plain to me
that I feel
very worthwhile sharing with you today. I was taking
notes again today as he was speaking. He was talking about, of course,
the question of what
a real Christian. Well, when I first met
. ,