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ministers at Pasadena, resulted in some 30 or more ministers leaving the
In early fall of 1974, my son caught me on the run as I was leaving for
Tokyo and Manila, where I held a big campaign. It was a time when certain
"scholars" among our leaders were engaged in "doctrinal research." I had
not realized until later that most of them were actually researching to try
to prove Church teachings were in error, rather than to discover truth. I
admit now and repent of the fact that, not realizing the real motive, I
approved this doctrinal research team.
My son said this team had found we had the wrong meaning on four such
detailed specific Scriptures, and the use of make-up was OK.
Those who know me best know I have a single-track mind. That is, I can
concentrate deeply on one subject at a time, but when my mind is on one
subject, I often do not really "get" something said to me. I was handed a
short statement regarding those four specific Scriptures. I had especially
based much of the decision on Isaiah 3:16 and contextual verses, and on the
Adam Clarke Commentary of it. I took the note with me. On the plane, I
typed the brief statement that appeared on page 522 of the October 23, 1974
"BULLETIN." I did not return to Pasadena for several weeks.
In my absence my brief statement appeared with my signature under it.
WHAT I NEVER KNEW UNTIL NOW was that, after my signature, Mr. Wayne Cole,
then director of Pastoral Administration, added a few pages giving the new
liberal watered-down reasoning, changing the truth of God.
Satan master-minded this in such manner that it all APPEARED under my
signature, as if I fully approved all that followed my signature--when in
fact I never saw it until the day before yesterday. It was subtly handled
and KEPT FROM ME. I did not, and never would have approved of what Mr. Cole
without my knowledge published under my signature.
Even now, at this late date, I learn that this "about face" altering of
a decision THE LIVING CHRIST put into His Church caused great consternation
among loyal ministers and members in Britain. But by this maneuver of
Satan, the people of God's Church started off the track.
I say •started off." For watering down of God's truth on healing, the
Sabbath, and many more vital doctrines followed in its wake.
But as Satan maneuvered to start ALL HUMANITY off the track in the
garden of Eden, so in these latter days he maneuvered to use the women of
s Church to start the END-TIME Church off the track. And the whole
Church was deceived!
At the time my son came to me with the report that the Adam Clarke
Commentary was in error on Isaiah 3:16, my mind was primarily on other
things, and I made a hasty decision without fully weighing the matter. I
have come to realize this. I HAVE DEEPLY REPENTED OF IT. I now correct it
before the entire Church.
Brethren, let's get one thing straight at this point. Jesus Christ
chose and has been using a HUMAN instrument to lead you. Will you blame