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to spend three weeks, as we did, in what must be the most friendly and
beautiful oasis on earth. The Ambassador students have something very
special going for them which
am sure they understand and appreciate.
Marguerite and
definitely gained an intensified awareness of the
worldwide scope of God's end-time Work, not only through facts and
figures, not only by the impressive tour of Mail Processing and WATS
line centers, but by the warm friendships made with fellow ministers
and their wives from the far-flung corners of the world. The degree of
unity and of dedication encountered at close range, although expected,
was most inspiring and stimulating to see.
Our leave-taking was
filled with both joy and sadness.
Last but not least, our thanks and appreciation for the world's finest
food, served up to us in such abundance by Mr. Carlton Green and his
marvelous staff, adding so much to our pleasure and a bit to our
weight. The twice daily climb to the Academic Center proved to be a
blessing in disguise, burning up a few of the added calories.
Although the extra ounces are gone we do remain
with renewed confidence and appreciation of your
well as your dynamic dedication to the completion
sion. We remain one hundred per cent behind you!
strengthen, sustain and guide you.
filled and enthused
strong leadership as
of the Great Commis­
May God continue to
Robley and Marguerite Evans
Greetings to Mr. Tkach and all those who participated in the refresher
program. We've been back in Paris about six weeks now and with Mr.
HWA's visit and three baptising tours, things have been pretty active.
From a practical point of view I found the program very helpful in
getting back to basics. Along with the new comprehension of the Holy
Spirit and the session on baptismal counseling, I found it all inval­
uable help on the tours. It certainly has been fortifying to know
deeply that what one is doing is what is being done at H.Q. and around
the world.
Appreciated the lecturers--each "specialised" in their field by their
years of experience and responsibility and their messages were given
with dynamism for the 13th time. Thanks for everything.
Sam and Marilyn Kneller
H.W.A. Visit to Montreal
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you very much for coming to Montreal to speak on September 5th!
It was a real treat and a very positive spiritual lift for both the
brethren and we in the ministry. The overview of God's plan you pre­
sented made things clearer to me than ever before. It seems God is
inspiring you to understand more and more as time goes on. There were
a couple of points that you gave I had never heard quite that way
before that clarified things even further. Thanks again for coming.
We all benefited a great deal from your visit!
Gary Moore
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services