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assisted by Mr. John Robinson and Mr. Alfredo Mercado. Mr. Tom Turk will
spend the second half of the Feast in Guatemala and will aid Mr. Herbert
Cisneros, the minister in Central America.
Colombia, Chile, Peru and Argentina are the four South American countries
in which the Feast will be held. The festival coordinators for those areas
Mr. Eduardo Hernandez, Colombia: Mr. Mario Seiglie, Chile: Mr.
Wilfredo Saenz, Peru: and Mr. Alberto Sousa, Argentina. Mr. Pablo Dimakis,
the minister of the Guadalajara, Mexico Church will be assisting Mr. Saenz
and Mr. Luis Chavez will be helping Mr. Sousa. Pastor of the Temuco, Chile
Church, Mr. Filidor Illesca, will assist Mr. Seiglie at the Lake Rapel
festival site.
Films of Mr. Armstrong's opening night address beginning the Feast of
Tabernacles and the television special featuring Mr. Armstrong and
President Sadat will be shown at each Feast location.
In late August, Spanish PT circulation topped the 100,000 mark for the
first time since June, 1977! Heavy promotional efforts in Chile, Mexico,
Spain, Peru, Argentina and Venezuela have been major factors in PV circula­
tion increasing by 35 percent--from 74,862 in August, 1980 to 100,958 in
August, 1981. Brethren in the above-mentioned countries are eagerly back­
ing and participating in the Spanish PT cardholder promotional program.
Newspaper ads in several areas have also added many new subscribers.
If current trends continue, the number of new subscribers added in 1981
should set a one-year record. Previous yearly highs are 61,899 in 1969 and
61,617 in 1980. New PV subscribers through August have numbered 51,108.
Because of the exceptional response to different promotional efforts, there
are some 20,000 names still to be added to the subscription file!
Appreciation for the Ministerial Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Perhaps this letter seems redundant after so many comments have al­
ready been made regarding the refresher program, but my wife and I
were also thrilled to be included in it. The program was everything
that everyone said it would be. It fit all the positive descriptions
that others gave who had previously attended. Our deepest apprecia­
tion goes to yourself and all the refresher staff whose loyalty and
dedication to the Work is obviously firm and unblemished.
Braden and Georgia Veller
Greetings Mr. Armstrong:
Vinita and I extend our thanks to you for making such an inspiring and
profitable refresher course available.
Hopefully we can come back
yearly to have the 'ol batteries recharged. The refresher course we
now have is what I had hoped we could have for years.
Thanks a
Our thanks also for providing a loyal, competent, and em­
pathetic group of men to do the teaching. They certainly teach what
you have always taught. Our love, support and prayers are daily with
Kelly and Vinita Barfield