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Prophecy and the U.S.
Startling Turn in World Events
Prelude to World Peace
All other TV programs aired in August
WATS Number Advertised on More Radio Stations
No. of Calls
The toll-free phone number has now been added to all the radio stations.
Thirty radio stations have been advertising the WATS number since July 20.
Now all 74 stations will have the number.
Weekly Letter Comments
This week we are reproducing an interesting letter from one of the students
who participated in this summer's archaeological program in Jerusalem.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
Mr. Herbert
I just recently returned from Jerusalem, Israel, where I participated
in Ambassador's Summer Archaeological Program in the City of David. It
has been the highlight of my brief life on earth, and I wish to extend
my heartfelt thankfulness and appreciation to you for all you have done
in leading this great Work of God. Specifically, please accept my
thankfulness and gratitude for the tremendous opportunities provided by
this summer program which you authorized.
I feel the success of the project is, of course, directly from God, yet
I think the coordinator of the project, Mr. Richard Paige, also contri­
buted to it. His dedication to the program and personal concern for
each of us has been a source of constant inspiration to me.
I realize your job responsibility is great and that much weighs upon
your mind. Thus, as a note of encouragement, I enclose a transcript of
a part of a lecture by Shalom, one of our tour guides in Israel. He was
telling us about the ancient site of Capernaum and the work of the
apostles in the early Church. This is what he said as recorded by one
of the students:
You know something?
I have been guiding many groups for many
years. I have never met a group•.•that seems to be so close to
this people who lived here 2,000 years ago as you are. Which
means: celebrating the Jewish holidays, fasting on Yorn Kippur and
believing in Jesus. This is exactly what happened here. I don't
know if I'm mistaken, I don't know if it's by coincidence, but
when I talk about these Christians living here--I look at you--I
have the impression that I am talking about you.
It is exactly the same thing and then we talk now about people that
are very, very close to Jesus, not only in spirit, not only in
knowledge, but also in kind. This happened right after Jesus'
death, which means they kept the Jewish traditions, they kept the
Jewish holidays.••Don't you think it is interesting how close you
are to this people?•..