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We have 128 international students enrolled in Ambassador, representing 18
Australia (23), Barbados (1), Bermuda (1), England (17), Canada
(55), Colombia (4), France (2), Malaysia (1), Mexico (1), Netherlands (2),
New Zealand (6), Nigeria (2), N. Ireland (2), Philippines
(2), s. Africa
Trinidad (2),
Germany (5).
Of the 1981-82 freshmen class, we have one student each from
Mexico, the Philippines, France and Scotland.
There are two students from
Colombia and two from N. Ireland: four freshmen are from New Zealand: five
are from England: nine are from Australia: and 25 are from Canada.
But what about the Ambassador College faculty?
How many faculty members do
we have?
My recent count of the full-time faculty reveals that we now have
27 full-time faculty members.
This does not include, of course, Mr.
Herbert W. Armstrong (Chancellor), Mrs. Myrtle Horn (Guidance Counsellor of
the Women),
Dr. Richard Walther
{Librarian), Philip Robison (Assistant
Librarian), and Estelle Steep {Reference Librarian).
In addition to the full-time members of the faculty, we have 21 part-time
faculty members and four Graduate Assistants {Ron Felling, Jim Herst, John
Siston, and Debbie Wood).
Many of the part-time faculty
{such as Dexter
Faulkne1, Gene Hogberg, Fred Stevens,
Joe Locke,
Dean Blackwell, Carn
Catherwood, etc.) only teach one class at Ambassador, and are not actually
employed by the College.
And so we have 27 full-time faculty members and 21 part-time, totalling 48
in all. This contrasts with nearly 200 full-time and part-time members of
the faculty in 1978!
God has blessed Ambassador College with a dedicated and loyal faculty who
are both competent in their fields, and who, generally speaking, have many
years of rich experience in various areas of the Work of God.
And may I add that we who are blessed by God to serve on the Ambassador fac­
ulty take our responsibilities very seriously. We know we are highly priv­
ileged to work on this, the world's most beautiful campus, and to work with
the finest people on earth--God's people!
We fully realize that God is en­
our care the "cream" of the youth of His Church, and we must be
very careful how we teach, mold and serve them--the future leaders of the
World Tomorrow.
The following letter reveals just how many of the parents of these wonder­
ful students feel about their sons and daughters coming to Ambassador
We left our daughter on the back steps of Mayfair Tuesday.
She is not
in our direct care anymore, but in the care of God's College. Treat her
with kindness and love, because she has a soft heart.
We ask you to
take care of her, groom her, polish her as she is a special jewel to us
and hopefully to God. We present her as a living sacrifice to God from
us. We had some parting tear(s), now of sorrow, but eventually we hope
of joy.
And here is an interesting letter from a student of one of the members of
the faculty: