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measles, mumps, flu, chicken pox and other contagious diseases.
members' children have been exposed and come down with these diseases
because of this.
If your child has even been exposed within two weeks
before coming, DON'T bring him.
If your child is sick, take care of him in a proper manner. But DO NOT,
under any circumstances, bring such a child UNTIL you can actually see
that he has been completely healed.
When anointed,
have FAITii=
BELIEVE--but if God does give you a test of faith, DO NOT bring the
child on the strength of that faith.
Let him be HEALED on the strength
of your faith, but don't bring him to any Church meeting or Festival
until every physical symptom is gone, and the healing is complete.
Moses expelled those with communicable diseases from the camp of
We shall have to do likewise, in fairness to other children.
If your child is taken ill with such a disease while at the Feast, coun­
sel with a minister, ask him whether the child must be isolated or taken
home if you are in doubt.
In past years some pregnant women have journeyed to the Festival and
had their baby delivered at the Festival.
This is very DANGEROUS to
such a woman and her unborn child.
Therefore, NO WOMAN, who is to be as much as eight months along by the
end of the Feast should attend.
ALSO, any woman just a few months along in pregnancy should be very
CAUTIOUS about whether she attends the Feast at all!
The period from
two to five months' pregnancy is the time when most miscarriages occur.
The higher altitudes and colder climate at Squaw Valley might be too
much for some during this period.
Big Sandy is oppressively hot, with
sudden change in temperature if a 'norther' should blow in.
REMEMBER, God does not lay the same
stress on attendance of women as He does men.
Check up
with the doctor who is to deliver your baby.
If you have any special problem or question you're unsure of, check imme­
diately with your minister.
Reminder About Hard-of-Hearing Headsets
We would like to remind you of the method of handling hard-of-hearing
Instead of being stored at the church meeting place, or being
carried to and fro by a deacon, headsets should be "checked out" to each
member needing one.
This works much as a library loans books.
The Church still owns the head­
sets, but the individual members are now responsible for keeping track of
the equipment.
Amplifiers and leads will still be provided, but the
me�bers need to bring their headsets to services every week for themselves.
The brethren will also need to bring the headset they have checked out from
the Church to whatever Feast site the � plan to attend.
This will help f :ast
planning by helping reduce the duplication involved.
We must emphasize,
however, that only the telex headsets may be plugged into the hard-of-hear­
ing lines at the Feast.
Any others will not fit the amplication system.