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else. There is no one thing to which we can attribute this increase--except
the BLESSING of the Almighty GOD!
When Mr. Armstrong became involved in the day-to-day running of the Church,
the 1981 U.S. budget for radio and TV was $4.9 million per year. The cost
of QUEST in 1980 was slightly under $4 million. Now that the magazine is
sold, we are trying to gradually put more money into media as God blesses
with extra increase and by redirecting funds budgeted elsewhere. The pre­
sent budget is $6.5 million.
But wait till next year!
David Hulme and our advertising agency
efforts on
the large-audience areas where Mr. Armstrong's voice cannot be heard at
all. Some areas just become "available"--and must be evaluated as they
come. Here are some recent developments.
Seattle has not had the broadcast for approximately ten years. Earlier
this week, CBS affiliate KIRO-TV, a Mormon-owned station, opened up the
7:00 a.�. Sunday morning time slot to us.
They only have one other
religious program on Sunday morning at 7:30 which is the program "It is
Written." This is followed by the successful new CBS news program with
, Charles Kuralt. The World Tomorrow will begin on KIRO-TV on September 27.
We are also working on finding radio time in Seattle.
In Tacoma, we have been offered the 9:30 a.m. Sunday slot on KCPQ, Channel
13. We are currently negotiating the price. They are asking more than
double the Seattle station's price. But the station is the leading inde­
pendent in the area. We'll let you know what happens.
We just received a fairly strong indication from WTBS-TV in Atlanta that
they would accept the program in their Sunday morning religious slot. WTBS
is one of the three super-stations in the country. (WOR-TV in New York and
WGN-TV in Chicago are the other two. We are on both.) WTBS is currently
cabled to 17 million homes.
If negotiations are successful the program
would begi�airing October 4.
Tuesday we were offered time on the leading independent TV station in
Cleveland, WUAB. As a result of another religious broadcaster not being
able to meet his financial commitment, the half-hour slot at 9:00 a.m.
Sunday morning has opened up. Our advertising agency, BBDO, is currently
closing the deal.
Mr. Armstrong also approved the purchase of television time in Houston, the
country's fastest-growing market.
The station is KHTV, Channel 39, a
rapidly growing independent UHF outlet. The
will be Sunday, 6:30
Although this is not the most preferred time slot, it will place us in this
very important market. Our advertising agency will, of course, be pressing
for a better time as soon as possible.
Other than that, not much is going on!