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strengthened us and given us the encouragement we need to fight our
daily battles. Please come again soon! We are already looking forward
to seeing and hearing you again.
w. & I.S. (Thun, Switzerland)
Words cannot express the appreciation felt in hearing that very impor­
tant message God had for us, expounded by you as Christ's Apostle. Your
presentation of the Gospel and the overview of God's purpose for put­
ting man on the earth was indeed powerful and so very inspiring. Never
before have I understood it in such a crystal clear way. It was a mes­
sage which I feel really stirred us up to be the more diligent
Christians we ought to be.
What a fantastic privilege it is to be
called by God now!
I feel that your trips to the many church areas around the world are of
deep significance and brethren all over gain tremendous benefit from
your visits.
Seeing and hearing you in person really gives us a
spiritual boost, brings us closer to you and in turn God, as well as
motivates us to pray even more fervently for you and the many tasks you
have to fulfill each day within the Great Commission God has called you
to do.
It helps us to support you in a more effective way and work
harder spiritually in our various roles within the Body of Christ.
S.K. (Konstanz, West Germany)
Thank you so much for coming to Bonn and bringing us the new message
personally. It was wonderful to see and hear you "live." One feels now
to be much closer to headquarters and also gets a stronger conscious­
ness of "a building fitly framed together."
It was so evident on that day how God blessed the event and worked
miracles to make sure that everything went perfectly well, from your
strong appearance to the uplifting atmosphere among the people in the
It is marvelous to have that new insight about our access to the tree of
life and about the three kinds of knowledge that man has to have in
order to live successfully. One does appreciate the gift of the Holy
Spirit the more for it, and God's way of life gets even more attractive.
c.s. (Baden, Switzerland)
That was the most pleasant bus trip I ever made as I travelled to Bonn
on the first of August. I am so thankful to have been able to see and
hear you, God's Apostle, here in West Germany; so happy to have been
able to come. I, too, pray for you and I thank our Lord Jesus Christ
that I can know His Church and His Apostle in this end time. And I know
that God speaks to us, His Church, through His Apostle, Herbert W.
Only you proclaim the true Gospel!
Thank you Mr. Arm­
strong! May God protect you and your wife.
E.S. (Hamburg, West Germany)