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Responses are continuing to come in from The World Tomorrow program current­
ly being aired over 28 TV stations. Mr. Armstrong's series on the "great
image" and the "four beasts" of Daniel 2 and 7 is receiving very favourable
comments. The World Tomorrow program is slotted into the usual lineup of
religious programs aired by most TV stations on Sunday mornings, so the
contrast of The World Tomorrow message and presentation to its competitors
is striking to those who regularly view it.
The PLAIN TRUTH: Printing of The PLAIN TRUTH has now been moved from Singa­
pore to Australia. Beginning with the September issue the magazine will be
printed by John Sands Ltd. of Sydney. John Sands is the oldest and one of
the most prestigious printing firms in Australia. Its Artarmon plant, where
they are printing The PLAIN TRUTH, has over 500 employees and a vast array of
modern web-fed offset presses designed to print our kind of magazine. They
base their reputation on quality and have assured us the magazine in
Australia and Asia will once again become the finest quality magazine of its
Each month they will print 100,000 copies of the 48-page edition for our
Australian readers, 50,000 copies of the 32-page international edition for
our readers in Asia, and 150,000 copies of the 32-page newsstand edition.
This maKes us one of John Sand's largest and therefore most valued
customers. Not many other customers in Australia place orders for such a
large volume of printing on a regular basis as we are doing.
The PLAIN TRUTH will be mailed out for us by one of the major mailing firms
that does millions of dollars worth of business annually with the Australian
Post Office. This will bring about a major improvement in delivery time to
our subscribers. Also, a special postage rate is being negotiated with the
post office which will allow us to mail out the magazine for 10¢ per copy,
rather than at the regular rate of 27¢, saving us $180,000 a year in postage.
Mail and Income: Despite nationwide transport and postal strikes which have
seriously disrupted mail deliveries, we received 21,175 letters this month-­
a 28.8% increase over the same month last year. However, income for the
month was very low showing an increase of 6.8% over July of last year. This
low figure largely reflects the wave of uncertainty that has swept the coun­
try as a result of widespread strikes in many industries which have left
supermarket shelves depleted and thousands temporarily out of work.
Armstrong's latest coworker letter, which informs the membership of a
similar income problem in the United States, was mailed out in the last few
days of the month. Responses to it should produce an encouraging boost in
income for next month.
Appreciation for the Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I would like to send you our love and greetings by means of
this letter, wishing you every success in everything you do every day
the way it has been from the beginning and will continue always so to
Many thanks, Mr. Armstrong, for having allowed us the opportunity to
attend the Ministerial Refresher Program in January of this year!
was a wonderful blessing to have received a treasury of basic teachings
for the carrying out of the work of the ministry. In the meetings we