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to DESTROY ME -- because Mr. Rader has worked with me as an advisor
and an assistant, in the MOST IMPORTANT PHASE OF THE WORK, worldwide.
But you who have accepted these defaming inuendos against the
character of Stan Rader, ANSWER ME THIS: What PROOF of evil or
wrong doing on the part of Mr. Rader have you ever seen? You who
have come to virtually HATE Mr. Rader, as I have reason to believe
at least some of you do. YOU HAVE NO PROOF -- NO EVIDENCE WHATSO­
EVER! Even in the courts of Satan's world a man is presumed to be
INNOCENT, unless or until PROVEN guilty.
Is the PASTORATE of the one true Church of God going to descend
to a standard lower than the carnal world?
LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT STANLEY RADER! He came to us out of the
world of business, of advertising, and of law. He graduated years
ago from the
Law School with the highest grades in historv.
He then became a professor in U.S.C. Law School. His services were
sought by the faculty of Harvard and Yale Law Schools, but he gave
up such positions to assist me in God's Work. He is a man of very
exceptional talents and abilities, with an exeptionally keen and
brilliant mind, and with a wealth of EXPERIENCE which has proved of
inestimable value to GOD'S WORK. He has been of VALUE to me in my
personal activities in the Work beyond description. DO YOU FELLOWS
in the Work of God, where we get very little of the top brains,
experience, and abilities of the commercial world?
I cannot refrain from quoting here a part of a letter from a
Tucson member who heard Mr. Rader address the local Church last
Sabbath (8/12/78). I asked Mr. Rader to loan me this letter. It
"Dear Mr. Rader: I've never written to 'anyone like you' before
but today I must -- from my heart as I feel it.... This is God's
Church. God encourages quality. He has given us the best in you •...
I'm certain God wouldn't put some dingbat in His Church in your
position..•. I'm personally sorry your reputation has been possibly
hurt -- but God and His way always wins -- and God can erase from
the mind of any President or King any trumped up garbage concerning
you. There's no one on this earth who can choose not to use the
tremendous miner-you've been given except Jesus Christ through Mr.
HWA. God bless you, Stanley Rader ... may He personally protect
your mind which He gave you •.•. Thank you for being so faithful to
God and His Apostle. Sincerely, Marilyn Packard Mullady."
Fellows, it was through Mr. Rader's activities that I've been
able twice to borrow on my signature, with no security, one million
dollars cash from a large Philadelphia bank. It is primarily through
his intercession that our bank, the United California Bank, has had
such confidence in God's Church -- and in me personally -- even when
there was a financial crisis. It was through Mr. Rader's services
-- as weJl as God's intervention -- that we were able to obtain,
through insurance companies, 100% financing on the eleven million
dollar Auditorium project. Do you know how hard it is for a church
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