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today is education. The institutions of higher learning are teaching people
the wrong way!
He said man needs three kinds of knowledge: how to deal with things, how to
deal with people and how to relate to God. The schools can teach how to deal
with things--that is fine. But universities attempt to teach how to deal
with people--psychology is an example. But they know nothing of the spirit
in man and how attitudes are formed. Therefore their knowledge is wrong. He
added that we have had men who have finished Ambassador, understood God's
Word, then go to these outside universities. And they have gone off--pos­
sibly for all eternity. He said he could not recommend law, medicine and the
social sciences.
He then explained God's way of marrying within your own family group and how
that principle applies at camp.
When he finished, the children gave him a standing ovation.
In Britain, the airports are closed between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. This is to
keep the noise level down during the sleeping hours. We had timed our ar­
rival to be at 7 a.m. Thursday morning so we could adjust to the time dif­
ference as quickly as possible. But we had departed Orr a little earlier
than planned. And we also had strong tail winds that put us over Luton at
5:30 a.m. The airport authorities said we could land at 6 a.m. so we had to
circle for 30 minutes.
We were met by Mr. Frank Brown whom Captain Black had notified of our ear­
lier-than-planned arrival. Several other ministers from around the area
were there also. Dr. and Mrs. Abbott, formerly on the faculty at Bricket
Wood, came out to welcome Mr. Armstrong back to England. Also there was the
reliable Lawrence with the least expensive car in the fleet--the 20-year-old
Rolls Royce that is still going strong!
We spent the rest of Thursday getting settled in and adjusted to the time
On Friday, we drove to Radlett to see the printing facility and Office there.
Mr. Armstrong was displeased that commercial printing was the main function
of our installation. When Mr. Brown had first told Mr. Armstrong about the
situation in March of this year, Mr. HWA instructed Mr. Brown to sell the
plant as soon as possible. Seeing the operation in action convinced Mr. Arm­
strong that selling the press was still the right course.
After the press tour, Mr. Brown gave a presentation on the Work supervised by
the Office at Radlett in Britain, Scandinavia, the Middle East and Black Af­
rica. It was very inspiring to us all to see how God is doing a work in all
these areas. We will share some of the highlights with you after we return
to Pasadena.
British law requires an annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Col­
lege and Church in Britain. Mr. Brown had arranged a luncheon at his home
for the Board and the meeting followed the meal. Mr. HWA chaired the busi­
ness meeting and updated the Board on recent developments in the Church.
On Sabbath, members from around the whole of Britain gathered in London to
hear the Pastor General. One man came from as far away as Ghana! In all,