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Weekly Letter Comments
Following is a selection of letter comments recently received in the Mail
Processing Center.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
The United States and Britain in Prophecy
I have just finished, or nearly finished, THE UNITED STATES AND
BRITAIN IN PROPHECY and I must say that I have never in my entire life
read such material. It perhaps surpasses all other religious material
that I have read. I found the book completely truthful and extremely
honest with all of its information about the biblical prophecies.
How you ever managed to take it step by step through history, from
people to people down through the ages, and find the lost ten tribes is
mind boggling. I have read it and completely understand it. Now I
think I am somewhat more prepared for future events yet to come. I
just pray to the most High God that the United States and Britain will
wake up before it is really too late. This book is one of the most
fascinating books of biblical history that I have ever read!
I.W. (Waterloo, NY)
Early this year my husband became very ill with acute and severe
abdominal pain. He was anointed and we prayed about it, but he became
worse. After two weeks in bed at home and in continual pain he was
admitted to the hospital. I rang our minister and he asked God's
people in Wellington to pray. Other ministers in New Zealand also
asked the brethren in their areas to pray for him.
Surely they must have, for the next morning the obstruction cleared,
his pain left him and he started to rest at last. What a miracle! How
thankful we were.
M.J. (Invercargill, New Zealand)
The PLAIN TRUTH (Comments From Europe)
Would you know what joy you've given us by sending your publications?
No, you can't really know.•..You just point us toward God's Word--so
often opening understanding to the valuable Word...that gives us great
pleasure. For there are enough "expounders" (of the Bible) around who
explain their own version (of what the Bible means).
Many, many
thanks for the magazine! If we could only "pay it back" somehow.
(Pruchna, Poland)
To my knowledge, KLAR & WAHR (German edition of The PLAIN TRUTH) is the
only publication which not only shows the most important problems of
mankind and the threats to his existence, but also points out the only
way that saves us from the threatening abyss, which we'll otherwise
fall into.
E.D. (Bern, Switzerland)