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can take time to visit the local churches, giving us an extra inspira­
tional boost which helps to keep us going. Thank you an� may God's
blessing be on you.
F.D. (Columbus, OH)
Bible Study Tapes Helo Members Grow Spiritually
Listening to your voice, via tape recording at Bible study, I am moved
to write this note giving my impressions. Your warm and intimate
manner with off-the-cuff remarks, anecdotes, sharing of your future
plans, etc. gives the feeling of a "fireside chat from a father to his
Sometimes when you digress for a while, we are treated to a meaningful
and often entertaining discourse from which we gain practical wisdom,
inspiration and encouragement.
It surely is a great blessing to hear you speak directly to us so
often, with follow-up comments and answers to questions by our local
pastor. The friendly fellowship with coffee and cakes after these
meetings makes this a wonderful social event as well.
I feel that
anyone who is missing out on this will someday deeply regret it.
W.W. (Ft. Lauderdale, FL)
The Bible studies and other messages you send out by tape are vital in
holding us together in one Spirit and one mind. Please keep that good
material coming--! want you to know that it is not taken for granted.
T.M. (Orangeville, Canada)
Thank you for the Bible study tapes--we enjoy hearing from you on a
regular basis. We also enjoy hearing your comments on the progress of
the Work, and how the Work has grown through the years. It is good for
us to be reminded that God built this Work, and that it was built on
faith. Thanks so much!
R.L. (St. Petersburg, FL)
Youth Enjoy Y.O.U.
I'm not only thankful for YOUTH 81, but also for Y.O.U. as a whole.
The title Youth Opportunities United certainly does fit! It has given
me as a youth so many opportunities to serve and to have some downright
clean fun! And Y.O.U. has definitely united me with other teens and
the Church!
Thank you so much for all your effort, Mr. Armstrong. Words can never
express - what Y.O.U. has done for the teens. I have been blessed to
have grown up in the Church and consider it an even bigger blessing to
be a part of Y.O.U.!
L.K. (Hagerstown, MD)
I just want to say that here in the Jacksonville, North Carolina
church, our Y.O.U. is one hundred percent behind you (Mr. Armstrong)
and the Work and God! There are only thirteen of us in our Y.O.U.
group but, thanks to the church's Y.O.U. program and our minister, we
get together often and have Bible studies, weekend activities and a
lot of fun!
J.c. (Beaufort, NC}