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The telecast and newsstand program are
producing good results. PLAIN TRUTH circulation has increased 30% in
the first four months of this year.
The newsstand coordinator's
manual, along with the monthly newsletter and statistical printout,
are very helpful in developing our program.
COLUMBUS, OH--OTTO LOCHNER: People are growing due to being back in
harmony with God's way, though trials that they have are more severe.
We are very pleased with the growth.
Attendance has turned sharply
upward. Baptisms are running six times higher than the previous two
years. Thanks to God's reworking the Church here, it is once again a
respectable place for new spiritual growth.
Weekly Letter Comments
Comments About The PLAIN TRUTH
The June-July issue of The PLAIN TRUTH magazine is an excellent
example of a quality publication. The artists who design the cover of
The PLAIN TRUTH should be singled out for special commendation for
their talent and imagination.
J.H. (Portsmouth, VA)
Just received the June-July edition of The PLAIN TRUTH. It had so many
interesting and informative articles, especially the ones entitled,
"An Elusive Dimension of Health" and "Death--Then What?" The magazine
gets better with each issue. I read it as soon as I receive it. Being
a widow and living alone with no family, The PLAIN TRUTH is a real
inspiration to me.
M.K. (Lexington, KY)
Thank you so much for a beautiful magazine.
I found especially
helpful your article on what a husband and wife can do to enrich their
marriage. I wish with all my heart that every man and woman could read
that article--then maybe this world would be a better place to live.
Again, thank you!
Mrs. L.H. (Rockbridge, OH)
I enjoyed reading the article, "How Wives Can Enrich Their Marriages."
Even though I'm not yet a wife and am only seventeen years old, this
article really enlightened me. I will remember and follow it, if and
when I get married in the future.
J.R. (Elizabethtown, PA)
YOUTH 81 Valued by both Teens and Parents
I have read all the YOUTH 81 magazines and each one seems to get better
better. I think it's really good to have a magazine for the
youth. I especially like the articles about what it's like to be a
teen in different countries. Thank you again for a wonderful magazine
and for thinking of the youth in God's Church.
D.C. (Jefferson, OR)