hand guiding you and His Work, we could do nothing. Keep on doing the
Work, Mr. Armstrong: We need you. Every day we pray that God will
bless you with strength and power.
Mr. & Mrs. S.W. (Burnsville, MN)
This is just a note to say that we here keep up fervent prayer each day
for your protection, health, strength, courage and endurance--all to
be given in greater measure than ever.
Thank you from our hearts for God's precious truths which you have
given us and for your love, encouragement and guidance which we need.
Also, thank you for being the strong, faithful father in the faith God
has placed over us.
May God give you the spiritual, mental and
physical strength to take His Gospel into all the world, and to
protect you from Satan.
Mrs. T.C. (Republic of South Africa)
Thank you very much for the great love that you have for us. You give
us so much of your time and life when you write those inspiring letters
and encouraging, instructive articles.
We know that you kneel before the throne of God to pray for us. We
want you to know that we love you and always pray for you, thanking God
for providing
leader that is unselfish and concerned both for us and
the whole world. We know God hears us and answers our prayers because
you are still going strong and will continue to do so until we finish
this great Work.
Mr. & Mrs. C. L. (Houston, TX)
Readers Hunger for Work's Literature
Thank you for keeping me supplied with literature. I really enjoy all
of it. Sometimes I get behind in my reading, but I will not just skip
over something to be able to get it out of my way. I look at it like
this: if God gave you (Mr. Armstrong}, or your associates, time and
energy to expound His wisdom and explain His plan, then I can cerĀ
tainly find time to read and completely study the articles that have
been written.
A.H. (Venice, CA)
Your booklets are just priceless to my family. I have taught them from
these booklets for ten years now and hopefully can continue. I reach
out to nineteen people with your literature and praise God they are at
last beginning to realize the teaching is valuable to their lives.
M. & M.J. (Washington, UT}
Thank you for sending me your wonderful magazine, The PLAIN TRUTH,
which has given me such pleasure and enlightenment for sometime now.
Thank you also for the splendid booklets I have received. I am eagerly
awaiting several others I have requested, as well as the Bible course.
I can truly say that these publications have taught me so much. Also,
they have given comfort and hope for the future--they are really
changing my life. Since I am retired, my time is my own, so I read
them sometimes until three in the morning: I can't put them down.
H.S. (New Port Richey, FL)