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ground and took cover among the huge boulders, while bullets rained
upon them.
Another example of divine deliverance was Reynaldo Obligana.
almost became one of the 40 casualties when the cave where they were
looking for gold collapsed. Moments before the accident, he was right
there in the cave together with his 40 companions (not members). He
was sent out on an errand by their team leader and had not yet gone far
when he suddenly heard a big explosion that killed all his co-workers.
On the brighter side of the Work here, the first Filipino ministers to
attend the Ministerial Refresher Program in Pasadena, Messrs. Edmond
Macaraeg and Pete Melendez and their wives, have returned. They attended
the ninth session in March.
While in Mindanao, Mr. Ames ordained the 32nd Filipino elder in God
Church in this area. He is Mr. Petronilo Leyson, who until then was a
ministerial trainee. He is employed full time by the Work and will continue
to serve in Butuan City as pastor of the church there.
In the last week of April Mr. Ames made his first visit to the churches in
the Visayan islands. He spoke to the brethren in Cebu City and Tacloban
City on two separate Sabbaths.
French Director Visits Quebec On Thursday, May 28th, Mr. Dibar Apartian,
director of the French-speaking areas of God's Work, flew to Montreal. On
Friday afternoon he addressed the French-speaking ministers, deacons and
wives (27 people) and answered questions on the progress of God's Work
around the world.
On the Sabbath, a record attendance of 534 brethren met in Montreal, coming
from all French-speaking churches in the area. · The same evening the first
public Bible lecture was attended by 503 people, 125 of whom were new. Mr.
Apartian discussed "The French Canadian Family--Today and Tomorrow."
The second lecture, held on Sunday afternoon, was attended by another 150
new people who heard Mr. Apartian speak on the future of Quebec. It was a
most attentive audience and a good number of people stayed afterwards to
ask questions.
On Sunday evening all the ministers and wives had a fine dinner and fel­
lowship at the home of Mr. Picard.
Finances permitting, Mr. Apartian expressed the desire to see French­
speaking ministers in Canada visiting the French Churches in Europe, and
French-speaking European ministers preaching in Quebec. Time permitting,
it is hoped that both Mr. Kneller, and Mr. Carion will be able to preach in
Montreal on their way to or from the Refresher Program in Pasadena.
Appreciation for the Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I just want to add our names to the long list of those who have already
been in on the Refresher Program and join with them in saying "thank
you." We really appreciated your taking the time to talk with us who
were in the tenth session even though you were still fighting off the