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Immediately after the meeting, Mr. Armstrong and his party flew from
Sydney to Melbourne for the final Sabbath in Australia.
On Friday, Bob Morton told Mr. Armstrong the details of certain com­
mercial ventures that were undertaken in the area several years ago. They
all failed. A few loose ends remain. Mr. H.W.A. told Bob never to get
involved in those type projects again. Bob won't.
He also presented plans for an Australian S.E.P. site. Mr. Armstrong
approved the project and the budget in principle.
We had dinner that night with the ministers in the Melbourne area.
There were 17 of us sitting around one large table. The fellowship was
lively. It was one of the most enjoyable evenings of the trip.
I was pastor of Melbourne from 1966 to 1969 before Evelyn and I were
transferred to South Africa. We were very eager to see everyone once again.
We had met many Melbournites when we tou�ed Australia during and after the
Feast last year. But that was a difficult time. This was a JOYOUS one!
Because we were flying to Auckland, New Zealand right after the meet­
ing, we arrived by cab early so we could see as many as possible. Outside
the hall were several people carrying placards against Mr. Armstrong and
the Worldwide Church of God. It looked like quite a group until one of the
Melbourne pastors, Rod Dean, asked parents who were talking outside the
hall to have their children withdraw from them. That left 5 people standing
When Mr. Armstrong arrived these dissidents were waiting in the front.
They had invited a local T.V. station to film their demonstration. But
H.W.A. went to the rear of the hall as planned. The back gave better access
to his seat in the front of the hall. If the T.V. station got any footage
at all, I would be surprised!
There were 1550 people attending in Melbourne that Sabbath. An addi­
tional 270 listened in at Adelaide, Devonport and Hobart. Hobart had line
difficulties and had to drop out. But they had been sent a tape of Mr.
Armstrong's Sydney sermon for just such an occurrence.
I led the songs and introduced Mr. Armstrong. He gave the same basic
message that he gave in Brisbane. Bob Morton felt it was the strongest and
clearest message of all. It seemed that way to me too.
Mr. Armstrong left the stage to thunderous applause
to the car. The placard carriers had dwindled to 2 who
gargoyles beside the car as the Armstrongs entered it.
long gone. After the car drove away the 2 left quietly.
to have any place to go.
and went directly
stood like silent
The T.V. crew was
They didn't seem
We were off to the airport and Auckland, New Zealand!
We arrived in Auckland at 9:00 p.m. local time. It was a quicker trip
than usual because we had favorable tailwinds--for a change! Unfortunate­
ly, Customs and Immigration were unhelpful.
Regional Director, Peter
Nathan, was able to meet us at the plane but we had to go through the normal
channels for customs, immigration and agricultural check.