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Mr. Armstrong, we are behind you all the way,
tremendous amount of work that you do each day.
the true knowledge that you have given us, and may
in the Work of the Living God.
Page 7
and appreciate the
Thank you again for
we better assist you
Harlan Spieker, Willow Lake, S.D.
Dear Mr. Tkach:
There is very little to say about the Refresher Program that has not
already been said many times. So, like everyone else, Susan and I
would like to express our appreciation for the tremendous opportunity
of attending the refresher.
The lectures were filled with practical information we have already
had numerous occasions to apply. Needless to say, we also found the
lectures to be inspiring and personally helpful.
We were both very encouraged to see the fine example of service,
humility, unity and dedication by the headquarters team. We were
equally inspired by the friendship and unity that we experienced among
the group attending with us. It was great to see so many men from so
many parts of the world all together and all speaking the same thing.
We're both looking forward with great anticipation to next time!
Mike and Susan Booze
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
CLEVELAND (EAST), OH--GUY L. ENGLEBART: We had a very inspiring and
profitable Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread. Many commented
that this has been the most meaningful Passover for them since they
have been in God's Church. The brethren were tremendously thrilled to
see and hear Mr. Armstrong on film. They marvelled as to how powerful
and inspired Mr. Armstrong was in his sermon. The offering on the
first Holy Day was a 23.5% increase over last year and the offering on
the last Holy Day was a whopping 32% increase over 1980!
AUSTIN, TX--HAROLD J. RHODES: Forty-five percent increase in Holy Day
offerings on the first Day of Unleavened Bread over 2 years ago!
People in Austin/Waco really have their hearts in God's Work. Film of
Mr. Herbert
Armstrong proved to people how alive and powerful Mr.
Armstrong really is!
MIAMI, FL--AL KERSHA: Mr. Herbert Armstrong's sermon (delivered via
the movie screen) was as strong and motivating as I have ever heard him
in the 15 years I have been in the Church. The message was clear,
earnest and powerful. Certainly an excellent message in preparation
for the Passover and days of Unleavened Bread. In physical appearance
Mr. Armstrong looked about 701 in spirit and power he sounded like a
35-40 year old man.
The spirit and power that was in Elijah is
obviously moving him.
COLUMBUS (AM & PM), OH--ROBERT DICK: I have enjoyed a more intimate
look into Mr. Armstrong's personal feelings, attitudes and struggles
from his comments in the Bible Study tapes than in any other form of
communication to the Church. Those insights build a stronger bond.