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Inspiring Letters Were a Family Project
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
This afternoon we each decided to write you a letter as a Sabbath
afternoon family project. Marcel's and Danny's letters are enclosed
with this one.
We came into the Church in 1968 at Edmonton, Alberta, at a time when
that church was definitely still right on track under Mr. Richard
Pinelli's leadership. Now that you have turned the Church around
and put it on track once again, things are like the "good old days."
It is really a blessing to know black from white once again ••..
We have been responding to your admonitions to increase our prayer,
fasting, and study. As a result, we are closer to God. This has
already produced some outstanding results.
We do know who you are. We do pray daily for you. Keep on going
until the work is done--the sooner the better. We will stick with
you to the end and we look forward to working in your "department"
in the headquarters government of the world tomorrow.
Paul & Bernice Schnee (No. Battleford, Sask., Canada)
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thanks a lot for sending me the YOUTH 81 magazine! I think that a
magazine for us teenagers is won�erful. I have read both of them
several times through.
It has just been proved to me that God does care about a teenager
and his wants.
have started my first third tithe year and at the
was quite despondent. You see,
was saving to buy a
motorcycle and as far as
could see, paying three tenths of my money
to God would never in a million years let me buy a bike. But
decided to pay third tithe anyway. Two weeks ago our family was able
to buy not one, but TWO new motorcycles. And just today we bought a
beautiful trailer, with plenty of room for our bikes for one third
of what we had expected to pay. God is truly a generous God!
I know that you are truly God's apostle. I am determined to stick
it out and remain with God's Church.
want to be in God's Kingdom
and if I follow you, I'm sure to get there. I pray that you will
be able to keep up with the tremendous workload you have. I am 100%
behind you in everything you do! Keep it up! You are doing great:
Marcel Schnee
P.S. I am 14 years old and I am anxiously waiting for the Y.E.S.
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I wrote this letter but Dad will type it so you can read it easier-­
he isn't a very good typer though.
Thank you for sending my brother Marcel the YOUTH 81 magazine because
I read it. We are in third tithe year and are getting lots of bless-