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ried; you were a great help to her when she was new in the Pasadena
area. She has known you better than I, though now I, too, have been
able to see first hand why God is using you to help hold up Mr.
Armstrong's hands.
It helped our perspective to glimpse just a little of the incredible
number of demands on your time and your spirit. We realize how we
need to be praying for God's continued blessing and inspiration.
There is no gainsaying that the whole concept of the Refresher
Program comes from God and is a service worth its weight in gold.
Thanks very much for your part in it; we look forward to the next
Cecil and Karen Maranville
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Now that Gwen and I are back home, we wanted to once again express
our thanks for the Refresher Program and the opportunity for us to
be in attendance at the ninth session.
We really appreciated the openness and basic approach that all of our
instructors showed throughout the three weeks. And now that we are
beginning to review the more than 200 pages of notes taken during
the refresher, it seems we've gotten one years' worth
three weeks.
We would also like to comment on the beauty of the campus. It
looked better than we could remember during all our years around
the college. The students also showed a tremendous amount of
friendliness, openness, and talent which stood in stark contrast
to the student body of 1977-78 (while we were in on sabbatical).
When we first received the list of the ministers scheduled for the
ninth session, we realized we knew very few of those scheduled. How­
ever, after the three weeks we found we had developed a number of
new friendships as well as renewing the old. We felt this part of
the refresher often goes unmentioned in the comments, but certainly
it is an inspiring part of the refresher. We look forward to meet­
ing and getting to know more of God's ministry at our next refresher.
Thank you again for the opportunity and for the time you have put
into this valuable program for God's ministry.
Dave and Gwen Register
Largest Holy Day Offering to Date
This note is to let you know that we had a record offering for the
first day of Unleavened Bread. It was a 33% increase over last
year! On a per-person basis, it was the largest holyday offering
we have had to date in the area. Considering the economic prob­
lems Elkhart and Michigan City have been suffering from, the
offering is incredible. Perhaps one of the main reasons for the
response was the film by Mr. Armstrong that was shown during the
morning services. The brethren were moved by Mr. Armstrong's mes­
sage and even applauded at the end. There is no doubt that God is
working with and blessing His Work.
Rand Millich