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Last year in June, I had the misfortune to contract hepatitis and
become weak and unable to work. I asked our local pastor to anoint
me for healing. About two or three days later, I came down with
the flu which turned into pneumonia. I was very ill and called our
doctor who diagnosed the pneumonia. The following day, however, he
was taken aback and mystified when he called, as both the flu and
pneumonia had completely disappeared!
Nevertheless, the hepatitis was still there, and this turned into
cirrhosis of the liver. The specialist in Christchurch, who con­
firmed the cirrhosis, gave me some pills.-
They made me feel worse,
so I decided to leave my fate in God's capable hands. It was
doubtful whether I would be able to make it to the Feast of Taber­
nacles. Yet I did go and felt really good and thoroughly enjoyed
myself. On returning home, I went back to work, for four hours
per day.
Thanks to God's healing power and blessings, I am now working full
time again and have been for a month. I am completely healed of
the cirrhosis, much to the amazement of my doctor.
C.N. Nelson (New Zealand)
Recently my wife awoke not feeling well. She had a headache which
became progressively worse. By noon she became delirious and at
times would black out. Her eyes turned back in her head and she
was unable to see. Her wrists turned inward and became rigid. She
also lost sensation in her legs.
I called our minister who anointed her and within a matter of
minutes her eyesight returned, paralysis left, and she was able
to talk rationally. However, her headache was still there, although
not so severe.
Realizing that something was drastically wrong, we called a local
doctor and described the symptoms. He immediately told us to bring
her in. She was diagnosed as having meningitis, and advised to go
to the hospital immediately in order to have a spinal tap done.
Neither of us wanted this, so once again, we looked to God for His
intervention. Again she was anointed, this time for the meningitis.
She felt a little better, but still had her headache, which later
became so intense she couldn't bear it anymore. For the third time
now we called for anointing. Immediately after the anointing, her
headache left as if she never had it. I was thrilled beyond words.
By this time many people had been praying on her behalf and twice,
in less than 24 hours, we had seen the hand of the living God.
Clarence Miller (Dundee, OH)