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The boy was limp at birth. His respiratory system failed and he
was put on machines to keep him alive. His head was grossly mal­
formed--his skull from the front hair line, about eye level, to the
back of the head was missing. The skin was there but no bone. The
doctor felt that part of his brain was undeveloped and scheduled a
brain scan for the next morning. He said, "Even if his brain was
intact, it would take years for his head to look like a human skull."
His jaw was pushed back and sideways, and his nose was flattened to
one side.
Things looked bleak indeed, so I called the minister in my church
area and requested prayers for the baby. One hour after the request
went out, he was removed from the machines as his respiratory system
had stabilized.
I went home that evening to rest and when I returned the next
morning, the head R.N. said, "Come and see our miracle baby." The
boy's head was perfectly formed, the skull intact, his jaw line
normal and his little nose straightened out. He was kicking and
yelling, telling us he was fine� I told the nurse of the Church's
prayers and she said, "It could only be an act of God," and she
sure believed it!
Carolyn Gennill (Kennewick, WA)
In a sermon we heard recently, the minister mentioned how Satan
places roadblocks in front of our faith in order to get us to
think that God will not intervene for us when we have problems.
I realized then that Satan had roadblocked the faith needed for
the healing of my back. For 17 years I have had pain which became
more severe--24 hours a day--for the past 10 years. I had polio
at four years of age in my left leg and back, leaving many muscles
atrophied and my left leg shorter. At age 20, I was in an auto
accident that pinched all the nerves to the right side of my body,
adding "insult to injury."
I meditated about this sermon and then prayed to God to remove that
roadblock of Satan (I had been anointed several times for my back
pain), to increase my faith and take away the pain. When I arose
there was no more pain in my back. Our God is indeed merciful and
Mr. and Mrs. William Whiteaker (Aumsville, OR)
I am writing to thank you for praying for me. I requested prayers
because I couldn't travel without drugs. I am delighted to tell
you that I have been traveling and doing my shopping for the last
six months without drugs. Mr. Armstrong, it is a miracle, for I've
tried for years to do it but it was humanly impossible. But it's
true that our heavenly Father supplies the need. I still get ner­
vous going out but now I know how to handle it--just put it in God's
hands and ask Him to take care of it. He has never let me down yet.
I'm so thankful for the hard lessons I've had to learn. This was
the hardest trial I have ever had to face and go through. Know
why? Because I had to trust and rely on God completely--not my own
strength, for in this I knew I was helpless like a small baby.
Mrs. Thora McCormich (Scotland)