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PLAIN TRUTH: Impressions of New Readers
I have just finished reading my first issue of The PLAIN TRUTH.
This issue has really opened my eyes, thoughts and mind to our
world's crises of the future. As I see the world's condition, I
know we are living in this world's last days. Also, I know that
the Bible is being fulfilled every day.
Ethel J. Weathers (Harrisburg, NC)
Thank you very much for the free subscription to The PLAIN TRUTH,
a magazine of understanding. I have just received my first copy
and although I'm a Muslim by faith, I believe this is one of
God's blessings given to me as a rare opportunity to view the
current world situation from the perspective of the Worldwide
Church of God.
Halsey M. Sarail (Busay, Philippines)
I have just finished reading my first issue of The PLAIN TRUTH
and have found it to be one of the most up-to-date and comprehen­
sive magazines about world events I've read. Please keep up the
good work. I particularly liked the article on Poland and
an.:i Why the Church?
I'm also pleased with your conunentary on the
"Moral Majority."
Fred Zinunerman (New Orleans, LA)
Thank you for sending me The PLAIN TRUTH. If future issues will
be the same as this introductory issue, please keep sending the
magazine. I read it through the very first day.
Richard F. Tagliabue (Paterson, NJ)
Your magazine first arrived a few months ago. What prompted this
I will probably never know. However, I must confess that I find
it very enjoyable and enlightening. The articles bring the proph­
ecies of the Bible into our modern-day political arena, as well as
our modern-day living, and make very interesting reading.
W. Brad Abbot (El Paso, TX)
I would like you to know that after reading THE UNITED STATES AND
BRITAIN IN PROPHECY and my first two PLAIN TRUTH magazines, I
accept Christ gladly. For years I have toiled with the Bible and
gotten nowhere, now it's opening up like hidden manna. Yesterday,
I kept my first true Sabbath. It wasn't easy, but today I feel
like jumping over the moon. I have been blind for over SO years.
Now I can see. My thanks to all who have made this possible.
Hoyle (Melton Mowbray, United Kingdom)
God's Miraculous Intervention Through Healin�
My eldest daughter went into labor with her first child. The fol­
lowing morning I was called to the hospital. The unborn child had
expelled its bowels prior to birth, which is a sign of a distressed
fetus. The hospital staff placed a monitor on its head to measure
the heartbeat. They said there was something wrong with the baby,
but they couldn't tell what until it was born.