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Mr. Armstrong, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to you and to
God for your appearance before the brethren in Denver, Colorado
last Sabbath. Most of all I want to thank you for the corrective
sermon that you gave. Of a truth, we do live in perilous times.
We are praying for you that God would grant you the physical
strength and spiritual vision to finish the Work. It was very
inspiring to see and hear you expound the Work of God with such
power. I am sure that it is the hand of God that makes this pos­
I am writing to express
Denver, Colorado. This
able to hear you preach
God's Holy Spirit. You
God wants us to do now.
Felix L. Scott (Colorado Springs, CO)
my sincere thanks for your personal visit
was a very special event for me--to be
such a powerful sermon with the help of
have helped me to really understand what
You made it so plain, even a child could
Thanks be to Jesus Christ for guiding and inspiring you to carry
out His mission of feeding the flock. We are very grateful for
your inspired sermon. I know God is pleased with your work.
Edward G. Denkler III (Colorado Springs, CO)
What a thrill to have seen and heard you in Chicago last Sabbath.
I can't remember when you sounded or looked better. It was so
good to have received your powerful message on prophecy.
Mrs. Leslie Finger (Milwaukee, WI)
One of the greatest highlights of our lives was the opportunity
of seeing you when you visited Chicago. We are indeed grateful for
· the wonderful inspiring sermon you gave us that Sabbath. We would
like to let you know that we are 100% back of you. Thank you very
much for the advice you gave us, as well as the challenge to really
drive ourselves and work harder. Thanks very much again.
Allswell and Victoria Alalibo (Chicago, IL)
Thank you so much for taking the time to come to Salem. It was
very enjoyable and inspiring to see and hear you. I thank God
for you and your health. I pray for you and am backing you 100%.
Thank you again for giving us the privilege to see you and hear the
Leona Barrett (Winston, OR)
The love you show for us reminds me of the love Paul had for the
churches he wrote to and visited in his ministry. I am very grate­
ful to our heavenly Father that He has strengthened you to be able
to come to us, and grateful to you for making this great effort
that we may be encouraged and assured of your concern for each of
us. It was indeed a pleasure to hear you speak and see you per­
sonally at Salem, Oregon last Sabbath. I pray earnestly that God
will continue to protect, strengthen, and guide you in every way.
Mrs. Bob D. Russum (Portland, OR)