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Letters of Special Interest
Film of Mr. Armstrong's March 7th Sermon
The congregations in Lake Charles, TX and Beaumont, TX wish to
express their heartfelt gratitude for the sermon by Mr. Armstrong
last Sabbath. It was a rare blessing to be able to both SEE and
HEAR Mr. Armstrong. The strong, timely, and stirring message was
very encouraging and just what we needed! It is so good to see
him looking so fit. His sermons are delivered with as much or even
more power and authority now than ever before. We know where his
strength comes from and we are grateful to God. We wish to say to
Mr. Armstrong, "Thank you very much!" And to all the others who
planned the film schedule and then labored to make it available to
us, "Thank you!" It is this type of love and care for one another
that binds us into one.
Dennis Doucet
Astounding Example of God's Miraculous Protection!
Recently, two of our members {one blind with a Seeing Eye dog) were
walking on their way to church. They were crossing a street when a
ma�1 who claimed not to have even seen them hit them with his low­
slung, mid-sized American car.
The dog was knocked rolling and
both of the fellows were knocked completely under the car. When
they managed to crawl out, to their amazement and relief they were
both unhurt except for a few bruises and scratches. Needless to
say, they were quite shaken up. Giving thanks to God for their
protection, they proceeded on to church with the See-
ing ___ -iye dog
which was also unhurt. I just wanted to share this encouraging
example of God's protection.
Rick Beam, Tallahassee, FL
Weekly Letter Comments
Brethren have been greatly inspired by Mr. Armstrong's visits to local
church areas and by his powerful messages, as our first comments clearly
show. For many it has been a special privilege to be able to see and
hear God's apostle. Next, first-time readers of The PLAIN TRUTH express
their impressions, recognizing that our magazine is unlike any other
publication. Our final group of letters shows that when God's people
claim the promise of healing by calling the elders and requesting anoint­
ing, God does intervene miraculously, sometimes in breathtaking ways!
Brethren Inspired by Mr. Armstrong's Church Visits
I was very happy to see you looking so well and strong and to hear
you once more. I attended the services at the Big Sandy campus when
you were there recently. I thank God daily for you and for His
restoring your health and strength. I just want to let you know I
am back of you every inch of the way. Thank you very much for
visiting the outlying churches.
Elizabeth J. Ferrell (Round Rock, TX)