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Conunents From Monthly Church Reports
COLDWATER, MI--KEN WILLIAMS: Hard financial times have hit Coldwater,
even harder than Kalamazoo. If no other solution surfaces, some may
have to move out of the area to find work. Overall, the brethren
seem to be aware of the urgent need to get closer to God through more
prayer, fasting, and financial sacrifice than ever before as Mr.
Armstrong has exhorted us. We know God started the Coldwater Church
and that He will sustain it even though there is no obvious answer
to the financial situation right now.
CINCINNATI, NORTH, OH--JACK PAKOZDI: People are bearing down early
this year in very sober preparation for Passover. Attitudes have
been very positive, serious and responsive to the removing of all
spots and wrinkles from Christ's body under Mr. Armstrong's decisive
leadership. I don't know when I've seen a greater desire to be
properly spiritually aligned.
Sabbath services in Chicago to hear Mr. Armstrong were very encouraged
and inspired by his message. For many, this was the first time they
have seen him in person! It was encouraging to see him in good
health, as well as hearing his powerful sermon on prophecy.
CLEVELAN D, EAST, OH--GUY L. ENGELBART: God blessed this area with
a record high attendance for the month of March. There is increased
activity from prospective members, both from those who write in for
a visit and from friends and relatives of members. Enthusiasm for
God's Work remains high and the brethren are eagerly anticipating
the corning Holy Days.
JACKSONVILLE, NC--JOHN A. MOSKEL: Mr. Armstrong's 3-19-81 letter
was filled with good solid principles regarding God's Work. The
brethren greatly appreciated it. Everyone's excited about Mr.
Gerald Waterhouse's visit to the combined Raleigh/Jacksonville
churches on the last Day of Unleavened Bread in Goldsboro.
HATTIESBURG, MS--RON D. WALLEN: Quite an upsurge in personal trials
and tests prior to Passover--finances, health, family and job areas
affected. But the attitude of God's people is very good, loyal and
encouraging as Mr. Armstrong continues to lead this Work and Church
to its conclusion.
PIKEVILLE, KY--WARREN J. HEATON III: Many are finding out the joys
and blessings of serving; that is, those who in the past never lifted
hand. Men
Spokesman's Clubs are really putting forth the effort
to improve.
trials evident in abundance this year. Financial problems loom
ahead for many of the brethren who work in the coal mines. Big
UMW strike seen lasting for some time! Many are being forced to
take a most serious and deep evaluation of their conversion and
spiritual progress. Truly judgment is upon the house of God!
One family in Jasper lost home and possessions in fire. Brethren
have gone out of their way to help. This is very encouraging! The
taped Bible studies are TERRIFIC! There can be no doubt that God
is using Mr. Armstrong in a mighty manner to point the way.