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and comfortable accommodations were added blessings that made it a
memorable three weeks. We look forward in great anticipation to
the next series.
Bob and Margaret Boraker
Dear Mr. Tkach:
We find ourselves unable to express in words our gratitude for
having been permitted to take part in the ninth session of the
Ministerial Refresher Program.
Especially impressive to us was the spirit of supportive teamwork
among the leadership and instructors of this well-planned course.
It is inspiring to see such dedication and loyalty to God's Apostle,
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong.
This was our first visit to Pasadena and the fulfillment of plans
that began the instant we learned that local elders were eligible
to attend. We arrived like dry sponges and soaked up every drop of
information we could. From classroom to data processing, from mail
processing to radio production, from video recording to the Wednesday
night socials, and all the memorable points in between.
My wife and I want to thank each one that had a part in the program,
through you in Ministerial Services; and that includes each instrucĀ­
tor, and Mr. Carlton Green in that fantastic food service department.
All of this will go a long way in preparing us to better carry out
our supportive roles in God's Church. Please convey our sincere,
heartfelt thanks to all of the others involved with Ministerial
Services and especially to Mr. Herbert
Jim and Grace Stokes
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife and I have just returned home after attending the ninth
Refresher Program. We would like to express our sincere thanks to
you and your staff for the inspiring, practical and down-to-earth
instruction which we all received over the three weeks.
These sessions were quite a contrast to the material presented in
the same room while we were students in 1975. It was also a pleasure
to spend time on campus and to see firsthand the renewed enthusiasm
of the students. We feel thoroughly prepared to help hold up Mr.
Armstrong's arms in our new assignment in Singapore, and look forward
to doing so.
It was also obvious that a great deal of work was needed to provide
the excellent accommodations, meals, banquets, and the Auditorium
tour and concerts for those in on the program. We would therefore
like to take this opportunity to also thank you for the hospitality
extended to us during our stay. We look forward to a return visit
next year.
Colin and Beverley Kelly