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Equal to any of the other things was the 4 1/2 hours that we were
able to spend with Mr. Roman Borek, touring the House of God. Mr.
Borek is a very able manager--and is very supportive of you and the
whole purpose of the Auditorium. It is a beautifully planned
building--such a contrast to this world's way of doing things.
Your assistants in Pasadena--Mr. Tkach, Mr. Blackwell, Mr. Neff,
etc.--were warm, strong, loyal, interesting and stimulating. They
set an excellent example of how to feed and care for the flock, as
well as telling us how to do it.
We wished both that the program could have been longer and not
quite so long! Every minute was super, but by the end we both felt
filled to the brim. Our limited minds could not absorb anymore.
But we already are looking forward eagerly to next time!
The idea of a Refresher Program has likely done more for bringing
us to say the same thing than any one single thing has ever done.
It is one clear fruit of your work that shows God is using you
On another note, we rejoice that God is leading you to spend more
ti�e in.Pasadena, and that it is now possible. Various aspects of
the Work will likely be speeded up now.
Cecil and Karen Maranville
Greetings Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Tkach:
I was privileged to attend the eighth session of the Refresher
Program (February 8th thru 26th). It is obvious that God inspired
the institution of this ministerial program to establish unity in
the ministry and oneness of doctrine. We have long needed definitive
instruction on Church doctrine and policy in order that the ministry
can properly represent God, Jesus Christ, God's Church and Christ's
apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong.
The closeness and sense of cooperation among the Pasadena team sup­
porting Mr. Armstrong was a delight to see and experience. Everyone
seemed dedicated to assisting Mr. Armstrong in completing God's Work.
Again, thanks ever so much for the opportunity to attend the Refresher
Program! May God richly bless and guide all of you in God's service!!
J. Harold Lester
Dear Mr. Tkach:
We wish to thank you for organizing the Refersher Program and giving
us the opportunity to attend. What others have said about it has
not been exaggerated in the least. The extensive informati'
on given
on each subject formed a basic foundation that will unify us all in
doing our jobs better in the ministry.
It was also an inspiring experience to live on the beautiful Ambas­
sador campus, mix with the students and faculty, and attend the
services and public concerts tn the Auditorium. The delicious meals