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it confirmed what we had been taught at Bricket Wood by such loyal
men as Mr. Raymond McNair and Mr. Leon Walker. We are so pleased
they are being used again so powerfully in God's Work. As you know,
Bricket Wood was used as a whipping post and ridiculed by some. It
hurt. Of course it wasn't perfect, but one quality was greatly
stressed--loyalty to God's government and to the truth Christ
revealed through you.
On the subject of teaching, it occurred to me the other day how
revealing it will be in the world tomorrow to have history courses
taught by Noah, Abraham, Joseph and the apostles!
Sometimes when I hear you speak or read one of your letters, tears
come internally or externally because I realize you are the end­
time Apostle and that God does especially inspire you. We certainly
know you are a mortal human being, that you can make mistakes, but
you are very special nevertheless. Humans are inclined to say if
only we had lived in "Bible times" and could hear the original
apostles preach when we DO live in Bible times and we DO have a
real apostle. If we do believe you are the Apostle, I know we
must be careful to heed what you say! Your character and diligence
are an inspiration to us.
Paul and Jan Linehan
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you sir for the inspiration you have given to the Refresher
Program! It has been the most rewarding experience my wife and I
have had in our seven years of serving God's people.
The spirit and feeling of unity and teamwork now flow through the
campus and administration every�here. We have been strengthened and
excited about �hat God has inspired here through you and now our
greatest desire is to share this with the flock you have asked us
to shepherd in Champaign.
It is true that the unity, zeal, and feeling of oneness here has
to be experienced in order to understand fully how much our great
God has been actively moving His hand over the campus and renewing
us through you. We appreciate you, Mr. Armstrong, now more than
ever before.
Randy and Beth Holm
Dear Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong:
Greetings from the South Pacific tiny Polynesian Island Kingdom of
Tonga--from the church of 52 members and children out of the nation's
population of 100,000 people!
It was a great joy and encouragement for me to see you with my eyes
and hear you with my ears as you came in and conducted the "Congress"
meeting of the leading ministers in the Hall of Arts in the Ambassador
College in Pasadena on Wednesday 26th February. It was very encourag­
ing news for the brethren here when I told them the story of the meet­
ing with you.