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Festival Office Update
The Festival Team continues working together in assisting Mr. Herbert
Armstrong in planning and executing the decisions regarding the 1981
Feast of Tabernacles. However, since Dr. William Kessler has been re­
cently transferred to the field ministry to serve in the Nashville,
Tennessee area, any routine questions and inquiries relative to the
Feast and festival planning should be forwarded to Doug Horchak--who
will be assisting in coordinating Festival Operations and Planning for
the Festival Team.
The Festival Office phone number is 213-577-5210 for those not able to
use the WATS line. Those able to use the WATS line should call 800-423-
4464 and leave a call-back message.
Policy Re: Ministerial Transfers for the Feast of Tabernacles
Mr. Herbert Armstrong has asked that all of the ministry in our employ
be REQUIRED to attend their assigned feast site with their local congrega­
tion. The Feast of Tabernacles is considered a part of your routine re­
sponsibilities in serving the brethren even though you may have no spe­
cific assigned duties at the site your congregation is attending.
The members have to use their vacation time to attend the Feast; however,
the ministry can request personal time off at other times during the year.
Only those who are requested to fill a need in another site will be al­
lowed to transfer. However, if you feel there are extenuating circum­
stances in your case, write a memo to Ministerial Services for approval.
We trust this will help all of you in your festival planning.
Festival Attendance List to Arrive Soon
The first copy of the Festival Attendance List should reach all pastors
of churches by the end of April; therefore it should be available for use
by the first Sabbath in May. You will have three weeks (the Sabbaths of
May 2nd, 9th, and 16th) to record the plans of as many of the members as
possible before mailing the list back to Pasadena.
Please be sure you have read the instructions in the Festival Advisor's
Guidebook relative to the Attendance List and have someone appointed to
gather that information. You may want to make special preparations now
for collecting this information on the three Sabbaths stated above.
Further instructions will accompany the list.