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Gone are the events of many of the conferences of the 70's, when
ministers came in with their "questions." Often the response to
these was such that it appeared we did not believe anything anymore!
What a contrast the Refresher Program was! Doctrines as established
in God's Church, through you, are taught with clarity and sincerity
by the men you had appointed. They are motivated by the beliefs that
GOD exists, that the Bible is His Word, and is to be obeyed and that
you are His anointed apostle for this end time.
It was a pleasant surprise to have you come and speak in Pasadena.
The message you gave has been of great inspiration to the ministry
and brethren in this part of the world.
Thank you again for the Refresher Program, and everything you have
done for us. We owe so very much to you because of your faithful­
ness to GOD.
Peter and Karen Nathan
P.S. The last request of our five-year-old son, Benjamin, prior to
our departure for the Refresher Program was: "If you see Mr. Arm­
strong, please say hello to him for me."
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you very much for conceiving of the Refresher Program! Shirley
and I enjoyed it tremendously. We found it informative, interesting,
fun and "refreshing." But it was not a vacation in any sense!
I don't ever recall a time when I have felt so sure of all of our
doctrine and policy. It is reassuring to know that we can speak with
confidence the same truths that all the others around us will be
speaking as well.
Our only regret would naturally be that you couldn't be there person­
ally for one lecture with each session (though we understand why it's
impossible). However, please know that the staff that represented
you did certainly speak for you.
We feel especially privileged to have attended with ministers in nine
different countries from all over the world. After three weeks we
all felt like friends of many years and members of one family. We
are already looking forward to our next session a year from now!
Thank you again.
Dave and Shirley Pack
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
The work God has called you to do has been amplified by all the
fruits you have produced. My wife and I have just completed the
eighth session of the Refresher Program. Only you as God's Apostle
could have put the program together by the inspiration of Jesus