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International News
News From French Areas Around the World After twenty years on Europe No.
1, ''Le Monde a Venir" radio broadcast will cease. In November 1980, this
powerful station (1.5 million watts) decided to close its door to all
religious programs as of March 31, 1981. Unfortunately, we only found
out about this decision three weeks ago. Satan is trying to hinder us
in preaching the gospel to the European nations. In an effort to obtain
a new station, Mr. Apartian has asked our advertising agency to look for
possible openings on stations such as Radio Luxembourg or Radio Monte
Carlo. However, in Canada and Guadeloupe, possibilities are opening up
to have "Le Monde a Venir'' radio broadcast on more stations.
On April 8, Mr. Apartian is leaving on a four-week tour of Europe and the
Caribbean Islands. In addition to observing the Passover and the week of
Unleavened Bread with the French brethren, he will be having public camĀ­
paigns in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Guadeloupe, and Martinique. On
May 30, he will be going to Montreal for a four-day tour to visit the
churches and to have a public campaign in Montreal.
The brethren in Haiti will have a treat for this year's Passover. Mr.
John Halford, who has a good knowledge of French, will be keeping the
Days of Unleavened Bread with them. He will be giving his first sermon
in French! It should prove interesting for all concerned.
Mr. Ray Clore, our local elder in Cameroon, is being transferred to the
American Consulate in Vancouver. After his departure in August, our
brethren in Cameroon will be left without a shepherd to feed them. Your
urgent prayers are requested on their behalf!
We are happy to welcome Mr. Bernard Hongerloot as a permanent employee in
the French Department in Pasadena. He obtained his work visa and will be
a great asset in helping Mr. Apartian in his daily office work. God is
beginning to give us the laborers we need.
Appreciation for the Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you so much for instituting the Ministerial Refresher Programs.
My wife and I just completed session number eight. What a thrill to
see and hear from you in person!
Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for obeying God all of these years. Thank
you for passing on His truths to us and for being the fine example
that you are. What a joy to be called into the Philadelphia era of
God's Church and what a privilege to be able to serve God's people as
an elder. We will remember you continually in our prayers.
Dennis and Lorraine Pelley
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you so very much for instituting the Ministerial Refresher
Program. It certainly is the way Christ wants us to be instructed.
All the classes were based on the doctrine Christ has put into the