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you for the time you took to rewrite it and make it even clearer.
Your words tell the story in a warm, tender and yet truthful
Barry & Janet Frank (Girdle Tree, MD)
I have almost finished the booklet, THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN
IN PROPHECY. I am staggered as I read these lines and their truth
rushes on me. How you could have possibly gotten all this informa­
tion together is more than I can understand!
There is so much here that I didn't know. It has been revealed to
me how far I have yet to go, but with God's help I'm on my way. I
have friends that I would like to have read this message. They are
hungry for something better and I know it would help them. Many
thanks again and may God richly bless you and your noble Work!
Mrs. Louise Sheets (Abingdon, VA)
Members Cherish Their Part in the Church
Oh,,Mr. Armstrong, how I love being one of God's people. It's the
highest honor a human being could have. Just those two words, "God's
people," makes me feel so strong and secure. I am growing more and
more dependent on our loving Father all the time.
I delight so much in the Sabbath and Holy Days. There is no finer
time for hearing and learning God's word and being with the brethren.
To make a long story short, I am so happy I could burst. I have
been in the Church for four years now and it gets better and better.
Louise Opalenik (South Hadley, MA)
The past few weeks I have been meditating about my part in this
Great Commission. I've realized that sending my tithes and heartfelt
prayers to God for this Work are among the most important things I
can do in this life--not merely a routine duty to be done indiffer­
ently or by constraint.
--Gary Childers (Pasadena, CA)
Our calling is indeed a divine miracle given to us by God's grace.
I am so proud and happy to be able to give and be a part of our
Father's Work and Plan! Thanks again.
Lyndon B. Graves (Las Vegas, NV)
It is such a wonderful pleasure and honor to be a part of God's
family--to help in a very small way with my prayers and offerings
and be a part of the plain truth plans.
Mrs. William La Rue (Seward, PA)
We are an older couple, my husband is almost eighty and I am
seventy. We are so happy to be a part of the Worldwide Church
of God--it is the greatest thing that ever happened to us.
Mr. & Mrs. J.G. Hardyk (Fort Dodge, IA)