Page 2009 - COG Publications

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highly respected. I feel that it is responsible for the solid
growth in our area.
Page 9
COLUMBUS (P.M.), OH--ROBERT DICK: Very pleased to hear about the Big
Sandy Campus. We feel it will be a tremendous blessing to our young
adults. We already have young people interested in attending there
and are planning accordingly. Our congratulations to the men who have
been chosen to serve on the faculty.
COLUMBUS (A.M.), OH--ROBERT DICK: Abnormal amount of sickness with an
unusual number of members experiencing heart problems. They seem to
have all come in a group. Would like to extend congratulations to Mr.
Harold Jackson in his new responsibility and offer our cooperation in
any way we can.
RICHMOND, VA--KENNETH GIESE: PM activity is zero. We are in hopes
that our new radio station will increase our PM activity. Marriage
and family problems continue to be our No. 1 challenge. The recent
series of articles in the GN have been especially helpful.
NORFOLK, VA--DANIEL C. HALL: The Norfolk brethren are excited about
the Feast returning to Scope Arena and have already been involved in
Feast preparation. Mr. Armstrong's emphasis upon the final push for­
ward is both exciting and sobering. Recent issues of the PT and GN
have been especially helpful.
GRAND RAPIDS, MI--WILLIAM O. MILLER: Family problems lead the list
stenuning from problems with alcoholism, rebellious teens, and un­
converted mates. Four to five families struggling to solve their
serious problems. Encouraging note is that they are trying. Brethren
excited about new surge forward in Work.
HARRISBURG, PA--JIM ROSENTHAL: Everyone seems encouraged by Mr.
Herbert Armstrong's strength and decisiveness. Although PM activity
continues to be very slow, the attendance is inching up. Several
young people continue to pursue baptism (members' children).
NEW ORLEANS, LA--JAMES J. SERVIDIO: Many new people contacting us
for visits to discuss baptism and learn about the Church. Members
anticipating holy days. Plan to emphasize Mr. Armstrong's excitement
about having our hearts in the Work and that time may be short. We
pay close attention to what he says.
MURFREESBORO, TN--DARRIS MCNEELY: Some definite improvement in
marital problems--that's a real encouragement. The Murfreesboro
church has developed into a warm, closely-knit environment. They've
been very supportive to Debbie and me since her father has been in
the hospital with a heart problem. I would like to thank Dean Black­
well for his suggestion of a marriage notebook at the Ministerial
Refreshing Program. I have implemented it and am seeing significant
improvements in several situations.
PEORIA, IL--JESS ERNEST: Church attendance is increasing. This is
the first time in a number of months where every Sabbath we had over
300 people present. I'm very happy to say that our Y.O.U. is in the
best condition it has been in since I have been here (the last 2 1/2