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Page 16
Abundant Third Tithe Blessings!
I want to share with you a very exciting incident that took place
recently, while in my third tithe year. I had begun to grow anxious
about my financial condition and was on the verge of going back to
my physical parents for aid. Suddenly I realized that I was not
exercising any faith. I prayed immediately to God to forgive me for
doubting and asked Him to help me have more confidence in Him to ful­
fill all His promises.
The very next day I found two checks in the mailbox, totalling more
than $500.00 for architectural work I had done 11 months ago but had
given up hope of being paid for!
But not only that, even more recently God has delivered on His pro­
mise to provide for our needs again! I have become engaged to be
married and also got a pay raise!
James Yowell (Shenandoah, VA)
It pleases us so much that God has kept my husband working this
winter, when so often he is unemployed during much of this time of
the year because he is in construction. This indeed is unusual.
However, it is our third tithe year and we can really see God's
hand in blessing and providing for us (and for His Work and the
widows and fatherless) every step of the way. God truly keeps
His word!
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry N. Oliver (Nine Mile Falls, WA)
I just wanted to write and relate a few of the many blessings I've
received in my third tithe year. I got a good job and before it ran
out, I was able to get another one. I only have to pay $22.00 a
month rent. I was able to get a fur coat for half the price on the
ticket, and dinner invitations too numerous to mention.
This is only a partial list of the blessings God has given me. I
cannot express my gratitude to Hirn for everything except to say
"Thank you, God for loving me and calling me into your Church."
Janet Flythe (Hampton, FL)
Enclosed is a check to help you in the "gun lap" of God's end-time
Work. I've been exceptionally blessed in this third tithe year and
am able to help more than in previous non-third tithe years!
Franklin F. Jarvis (Danville, KY)
It has proved true once again that we just can't outgive God! Before
this third tithe year began, it seemed we could barely make ends
meet. Now however, there seems to be plenty of extra money in ad­
dition to the third tithe. Thank you for teaching us God's way of
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Alexander (Uvalde, TX)
Since 1980 was a third tithe year for our family, perhaps we could
share with you (Mr. Armstrong) some of the interesting material and
non-material blessings we received while adhering to God's tithing