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will not rest until it is straight as God intends it to be. In that
knowledge, I do rejoice!
Please continue to clearly point out the way and the track. We are
behind you 100%!
Your servant in Christ,
Robert E. Fahey
Just in case anyone should come to you with a criticism or direct or
indirect accusation against another minister, you should report it immedi­
ately to Mr. Tkach in Ministerial Services. Any criticism against Mr.
Tkach, if such should ever occur, should be sent privately to me and to
no other. Mark such envelop PERSONAL.
er has the ministry and the entire Church been so solidly and
loyally together and together with God and with Jesus Christ. We must
not let anyone stir up any semblance of disunity and disharmony. If any­
one asks you if you know of any problems, or gives any implication of any,
please report it·either to Mr. Tkach or to me immediately.
International News
Philippines Update January 1981 was a very exciting month for God's Work
in the Philippines. The highlight, of course, was the 15-day visit here
by God's apostle and Pastor General, Herbert W. Armstrong.
The highly successful two-night campaign at the elegant Philippine Inter­
national Convention Center January 24 and 25 brought a warm and recep­
tive audience of over 4,000--mostly nonrnembers--each night to hear Mr.
Herbert Armstrong's powerful messages about the corning Kingdom of God.
At the close of his second message he challenged the audience to repent
and to change their lives from the way of GET to the way of GIVE.
Already 906, who attended the campaign, have asked for a new subscription
to The PLAIN TRUTH. Many of these were students who came in response
to advertisements in the national dailies concerning an essay contest
based on Mr. Armstrong's message.
(Continued on page 6)